Sunday, May 17, 2009

Online Degree

Yesterday I attended a graduation of a young wife who had the time and funds to attend the college she wanted. Many young marrieds have gone with that degree because they had to work to live and didn't have the time. Capella University has changed all that by offering a college degree online. Stundent from 50 states and 45 countries enroll every year to achieve their higher education and this is a great way to do it. You can still hold a job and take your classes online to get your degree. Over 24,000 students enrolled this year alone. By going to this website online degree you could be one of then and be off on a better career. They offer 15 certificate and 111 graduate and undergraduate specializations to meet your every need. By living at home you save that expense which will also help by easing the stress of finding a place to live on campus that you can afford. It doesn't get any better than that regardless how you look at it. I say happy learning, GO FOR IT.

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