Saturday, March 7, 2009

Spring Is Coming

I am starting to think spring is getting here because daylight savings time starts tonight at 3:00 or something. I personally think the people with all the money should do us all a favor and cancel daylight savings time. When I was young we didn't have the stupid time change twice a year and I don't think we really need it now. I don't play golf or run foot races or exercise heavily but I still don't need another hour of daylight. I can't understand why people can't just leave well enough alone. You know it's all political and to me just another way to take away more of our freedoms. I believe we have a president that can turn our world around and save these United States but he can't do it alone. I also believe that the people in government that should help him are to busy holding their hands under the table for the cash that flows there. It's time they start worring about saving this country that building great fortunes for their futures.

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