Friday, November 30, 2007
Good Night For It
This seems like a great night for a DVD and tall glass of wine with good friends. I'm waiting now for one friend to call for a lift to my house for just that. She may have some shopping to do in Mason City but that won't take all night. It really isn't getting any warmer outside so I don't want to be out if it isn't needed. We'll see what happens I guess.
Changing Plans
The weatherman just said the storm forcasted earlier is on it's way. It may not be as bad as first thought but 1 to 4 inches of snow and freezing rain isn't good either. North of us they will get the brunt of it with 6 inches plus and south of us will be heavier than here too. Temps will be down in single digits and wind chill below 0 drgrees and that's to cold for me. I'm not going to worry about it because in 3 months it will start warming up again.
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Corporate Christmas Baskets
Wether it's a Christmas gift a get well or frindship gift or to express sympathy to a family. The Gourmet Gift Basket is a gift for all occasions. Check out this site corporate Christmas baskets where you'll find afabulous assortment of gift baskets to suit your needs. Each basket is made with the best gourmet products. Since 1940 we have been supplying gifts for all occasions packing then in air bags instead of those messy popcorn or peanuts that some shippers use. We ship Fed Ex worldwide for your convienence to be sure it gets to it's destination safely. You need something for a housewarming or a friends new baby then look no farther we can fill your needs. Gifts for women or men or a basket of sweets, chocolates or snacks for the office gang. Everyone will be so pleased when they see it.
This post was based on facts from bloggitive.
This post was based on facts from bloggitive.
Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?
I think it would be great fun for a month or two but then I wouldn't know where to go.I'd like to be on the millionaire show but most of the contestants are teachers or businessmem or lawyers and doctors. You the poor people that can really use it and can't afford to take off work to play the game.Today the one woman that was on had just won $48,000 on Jeopardy and now was on millionaire, go figure. I guess the networks figure if you can't afford to get there then they don't want you. I still watch because I like the pretty hostess.
Optics Planet Inc.
When it comes to gifts for people you have on your list that hunt, birdwatch or just like to look at stars then the first thing you have to do is check out this site night vision and find everything you want. I'm talking night vision goggles to rifle scopes, binoculars to telescopes regardless what your looking for we have it. Not only will you make your friends happy but with the savings you'll get you'll be happy too. You won't find anything but the best in optical gear like Nikon, Bushnell,Leupold and Cannon to mention a few. Maybe your galpal wants a pair of Ray-Ban or D&G sunglasses. If you want to check the speed of that little league pitch we even have radar guns. With 200 quality brands and ten thousand items with 100% satisfaction gaurentee and free shipping on orders over $29.99 you won't be able to beat that deal anywhere. You might check out for some ideas.
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I'm being paid for this post.
Bank Accounts
Here I sit thinking I'm doing a good job handling my money when I check my account and find they charged me $20 for paying a check that my deposit I just made missed. Now I have to go down tomorrow and deposit more so another check I have out won't do the same thing. I really hate that $20 charge that's why I keep such a close eye on my account. Oh well I guess the bank needs it more than I do because they have all those employees and I don't have any.
Demon Barber Confessional
If you are a Johnny Depp fan as I am prepare yourself for a great movie that will have you squirming in your seat. Before you do anything else check out this site visit the official Sweeney Todd movie site to give you a better of things to come. Johnny Depp is a master when it comes to believable terror so be prepared for your heart to be racing.
is another site to be checked out and another would be and after viewing these site you will find it a must to head for the theaters to see the whole film. If horror is what you crave then Sweeneytodd will help you to the grave. Be sure you take a friend in case you need recessitating. If your heart is that weak you may want to send a friend and have them report back. We've all been told from childhood that revenge is sweet and confession is good for the soul. After seeing this film it will be up to you to decide which is better for your heart and mind. If revenge is sweet then a barber shop, a fabulous chair and a gleaming straightedge razor then who could possibly ask for more could you? I think it would be all that's needed for the purpose of getting back what you lost. If you have a time in your life you're proud of and would like to confess then there's an opportunity to do so at these websites. I was severly injured when I was quite young but after several months of hospital care I lose any thoughts of revenge for my handicaps and learned to compensate for them. I guess in my mind I might have been the Demon Barber. What about you?

We have one tennant here that gripes about everything he can think of. the other day he was having a fix about the stray cats in the park. He has a Pommy pup and he takes it all over the park. That's fine but without a leash and there is a leash law in this town. There is also a doggie doo law where what your dog does you clean up. He lets his dog run loose and visit all the neighbors lawns. Of course he doesn't follow with a shovel or bag but instead leaves it there for the people who live there to walk in. The neighbors around me are getting hot about his not cleaning up the dog messes his dog makes. Someday the landlord will be blessed with an unwanted blob on her shoe and track it into her car and then we'll see.
Holiday Cheer Is Here
Christmas is just around the corner and we're counting the days that are left. Make out your list and then turn on the computer and go online and check this website Coupon Chief and then go back and upgrade your list because of all the coupon savings you have. or Best coupons will help you decide what you want. You probably have some that are into Old navy gifts so check out to check out their coupons and discounts for the season. Coupons are a major part of online shopping and even in the stores you shop at. everyone loves to save money and with it you can buy better gifts for the ones you love.

Moormans Clothing Store
Moormans is the name of a menswear store that sells the top of the line apparel for mem. My friend bought me a hat there 5 years ago and I just love it but the price tag was $40 and I thought it high. She just said if you want quality it will cost more. Well Moormans is moving their business across the Plaza and are having a big sale to lighten the move. My friend wants to go over and see if they have another hat to replace this one that's getting frayed. I guess we'll know Saturday.
Outside Stray Cats
I live in a trailor park and there are several stray cats around here. I feed them every day and they go out and hunt on their own too. Some of the old neighbors don't care for cats but others are very happy they don't have any mice in their mobile homes like they used to. My next door neighbor said she had mouse droppings everywhere she looked before I moved in 9 years ago. I'm a cat person and have two inside cats of my own. I even cut a square hole in the bottom of my shed door so they could get inside on really cold days.I guess sombody has to do it and God chose me.
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Used Cars Austin
Quality Auto Group is located in Texas with branches throughout central and southern Texas. If you need a great used car then you must go online to this website Used Cars Austin forthe information on how to buy one of theirs. They have every make and model you can imagine which saves you time searching. There's expert mechanics, body men and detailers that check out every car they offer. Quality will finance your trade for you even if your credit isn't the greatest and they want your tradein. They even take used cars even if you don't buy one of theirs. If you need a good dependable used car then Quality Auto Group is the place to check out first and save your time and money.
This post was based on facts from bloggitive.
This post was based on facts from bloggitive.
Phone Calls
Boy will I be glad when the election is over and those idiots will quit calling. I don't have any idea who I'll vote for but it will probably be what I believe the lesser of two evils. That's all it's been for at least 40 years now and I don't expect it to get better soon. I've heard some really good things from 4 or 5 different people but not one person with all of them. The biggest problem is we need all of those ideas to survive and no one candidate has them all. Sooo here we go again.
Every person who needs to lose a few pounds has heard of stomach stapling. That procedure created problems of infection and large surgical scars. JourneyLite has perfected a laproscoptic surgery that through very small incisione they can install a lapband around your stomach. By doing this it reduces the capacity of your stomach and also your food intake. The best part is it can be done as an outpatient and when you reach your goal weight it can even be reversed. Recovery time is minimized because of the small incisions and easy surgery procedures it takes. This Site weight loss surgery tampa should be your first stop to get all information about the procedure.

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I'm being paid for this post.
Here's Johnny
We should name winter Johnny and then when it arrives it will say " Here's Johnny " and everyone will smile and have good thoughts about it. Most people you mention winter to grumble and say bad things about it. Wouldn't it be nice if everybody besides snowmobilers would like winter snow storms? I'm sorry but I just can't get excited about a snow storm.
TV Time
This has been a long day even though it really wasn't. You know you sleep in and get around doing things and don't get them all done. You say where did the day go I had a lot more to do and it's getting dark allready. Some day they will have one day that's 72 hours long and everyone will get everything they had to do done and it will feel so great. The only thing is with everything done you'll sleep in with nothing to do and then things will pile up again and you'll be right back at square one.
When discussing online marketing services in the world today, one stands out from the rest. Webloyalty offers customized programs to all their clients to produce revenue from inovative packages and other valuable benefit packages. By rewarding their clients for purchases made they increase the clients profits even more. Now over 2 million subscribers enjoy profits from Webloyalty's dedicated outlook for making clients money. Since 1999 when they were founded, with the ideas for new customer friendly subscriptions services they have reached their goals. With the strategic transactions with General Atlantic LLC. They will only become bigger and better This site webloyalty is the place to visit for all the information you'll need to really get rolling.
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This post was based on facts from bloggitive.
My neighbor spent last winter with an old friend of his and hated every minute because she would get upset about his beer drinking. This spring she died so that move is out. His step daughter and son in law want him to come stay with them through the winter this year. He's 83 and likes taking care of himself. He asked me tonight what I was going to do this winter and I said stay right here. He said he was hoping I would say that because that's what he wants to do too. We have another younger single guy next to me so we'll get the snow moved and get out as usual.
News Not The Best
Snow flurries for tonight but wait the weatherman says there will be alot more by Saturdar night and Sunday Morning. I have a 200 mile turnaround for a reception that i must attend on Saturday night. I really hadn't planned on staying over because I'd have to drive 40 miles to do that. I may as well stay sober and drive the hundred and be home in my bed. There may be an open bar but they usually don't have what I like so it's easy not to drink at all.
Sylvania HDTV
Flat Screen HDTV's have become a 15.6 billion dollar market. I would love to have one but have to wait until after Christmas. Many friends are planning on getting one for Christmas. This Website sylvania HDTV is the ideal place to start looking fo yours. They have researched makes models prices and have all the comparisons you could ask for. You can get the answers for anything you are curious about. When your ready they can give you the address of the nearest store that handles the brand you want. It just don't get better than that. You save time, gas and money and never leave home. Since over 92% of TV's are purchased in stores and not on line they can be your research line to find what you want. Because of the large demand prices are falling too so be sure to check.
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This post was based on facts from bloggitive.
Winter's Here
I stepped outside and almost froze. The wind is blowing at 15 to 20 MPH and comming off the lake it is really cold and goes right through you. I did everything right today to go out and feed stray cats but put on gloves. That was the one thing I needed most because my fingers were so cold when I came in they wouldn't bend.Now I was only outside for 5 minutes so you know it was cold. I think temp is running around 15 degrees. There isn't any snow on the ground yet but the lake is just about total ice now. The best idea I can think of is stay inside and be warm.
Monday, November 26, 2007
Hotel Reservations
You're planning a weekend get-a-way or business trip or vacation with the family then you need to check out all of your personal needs and great savings at this site Hotel Reservations before you do anything else. We have discount rates worldwide on travel, rooms, resorts vacation condos that can save you major funds that could be used for even better times. They take care of everything from flights to resturaunts to make your plans all come together for the time of your life. Remember that all of our travel packages are competitively priced to best suit your budget.

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I'm being paid for this post.
Cross Your Fingers
It's the 26th of November today and no snow yet, at least not to shovel. We got a what they call "dusting" but enough to shovel. I really think about the years I spent in California and was forced to live without all the cold. Thinking about it makes me want to move back there, but that was when I was young. I guess now I'm getting old I should give these old bones a treat and do it. Nahhhh I'll just stay inside when it's cold outside and let the gas company rip me off for heat.
Sunday, November 25, 2007
About Loans
There's a time in everybody's life when they need to get a loan. Go to this website Cheap loans and find out how easy it is to do. Maybe a new car or if you just got married you may need furniyure for your new apartment they handle all kinds of loans. They handle all sorts of personal and unsecured loans at this site - and for homeowners it's - Like so many of us maybe you would like to just consolidate your bills into one payment then check it out. The best in online financing is waiting for your visit.
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I'm being paid for this post.
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Souix City
Saturday I'm going to drive to Souix City and visit a friends grand daughter and have another Thanksgiving dinner. It must be Thanksgiving already because I just got an email card from my baby sister. It's a good time so we should all enjoy it and spread the good cheer to everyone. So I guess it's time just to say " HAPPY THANKSGIVING ' to everyone. Now get to bed or the turkey won't come.
Another Computer
My friend had an older computer sitting in their garage and asked if I wanted it. I took it and brought it home and am going to set it up as a learning device and who knows maybe a replacement for this new one. I feel like the more advances they make in the computer world the more ground we lose as people. It really makes me wonder at times if the machine world is really comming.
Buy Gold
The money market is turning to precious metals for the best investments.For over 30 years Monex deposit company can provide coins or bullion ingots shipped to your local deposit box or vault. At one time the United States has large reserves of silver and gold in their depotitories. After WW11 they sold off most of the silver on the open market bringing down the value. Now they are buying silver back and the price is going back up making it a good investment. If you will go to this website buy gold you can aquire the information needed to get you started in the gold and silver market. The value of money all over the world is based on precious metals which makes it a very wise investment.
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This post was based on facts from bloggitive.
Crazy Drivers
Thinking about the first snow makes me think about the new drivers that never drove in it. We always have major ammount of accidents that first day. Even the people that have lived here all their lives get into fender benders. I realy can't believe their long term memory is realy that bad. Being a professional driver for 50 years I know enough to pump the brakes and not slam them on in snow and ice. These ABS systems in my opinion are worthless because you have to slam them on or they don't work. Totally against anything I was ever taught in Drivers Ed.
No, No, Not Yet.
My friends stopped over tonight and had a couple cold ones. When they got ready to leave it was starting to snow and we all groaned not yet. Hey it's that time of the year so it's comming. Right now is about the time we get the first snowfall of the year. It'll melt in a couple days but it was here and the first. Next month we'll get alot more and it'll be colder and the snow will last very much longer.
New company breaking into the direct marketing industry should first go to this site Lists before doing anything else. Martin Worldwide is always upgrading their database of mailing lists. With their multi-dementional database resulting from ResponseCom which identifies the most active, responsive and impulsive prospects. Since they do the work for you and gaurentee in writing the integry of their data. Being one of the leaders in the mailing list database industry they are what you to get started on your own. Just having a database of 290 million consumers and 14 million businesses makes them a leader you can rely on to supply you all the contacts you'll need for a great start.
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This post was based on facts from bloggitive.
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Just Around The corner
There's a small ammount of rainy mist in the air today along with a 15 MPH breeze blowing. If you don't have any of when winter will be here just go out and walk around. That cold damp air says winter is just around the corner. I'm getting older and retired now so I should be able to just stay inside on bad days but that's another story. I guess I have to many friends that think they're keeping me healthy by running me all over. I say so what I'm not as healthy as I could be. I've earned my time to rest so just let me rest.
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Planning a holiday in Australia and looking for the ceapest flights to get there. The only place to look is DialAFlight a leading independent Travel company in the U.K. because they have offers you can't match anywhere else. Check out this website flights to Melbourne and you will find travel consultants that are there to see to it your every dream is fulfilled. Car Rentals, Hotels, Spa's, even Beach holidays and more.Your Australia holiday will become a dream remembered forever.

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I'm being paid for this post.
Leave Me Alone
Why me all the time? A month ago I had 20 things that needed doing before winter to get ready. Everyday one friend or another needs me to help them do something they can't do without help. I'm a good friend so I help and the next day it's another one. Well the month has gone by and I still have 17 things to do for me. Everyone else is working and now it gets dark real early so I get to do it alone of course. Tomorrow it's supposed to be warm and no rain so maybe I'll get the little job done for my friend and can get at my things. I sure hope so.
Goth Dating
You say you tried joining one of those dating services but they looked at you a little strange when you told them what you wanted in a soulmate. You were trying the wrong dating service to find your hearts desire. First of all check this website Gothic dating This is where you'll find the mate that looks at the world the same way you do. Maybe you have a fetish nobody understands or into vampires or the dark side of life. This website doesn't have the hangups some others do so your chances just improved 100% for finding a mate. Is heavy extreme music and alternative lifestyles your bag then your in luck here.The membership is free and will let you upload pictures to look through. They have a send a wink system to let the person you chose know you want a meet. But wait because a dark cupid will find them and set up a meet. You can have chat videos for free and a world map seeker and forums plus much much more. Just because your tastes run a little more refined then some other services can handle shouldn't mean you should go without. If you want to meet peopls who share your interests and explore the darker side of love then log on and find your mate or at least start looking for them. You have always known they were out there and now you know where to look so get going.

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I'm being paid for this post.
Thanksgiving's Getting Closer
You can tell it's getting closer because the air is colder and there's rain, snow mix in the air. None of it is sticking yet since it's not that awful cold just high 30's. The weatherman is talking snow Wednesday so we'll see what happens then. I personally can wait for at least 4 more weeks before any snow falls. The guys with snowmobiles would really be ticked off but I don't have one so I can live without it.
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Lap Band surgery
Years ago the big weight loss procedure was stomach stapling. It worked well in the weight loss but was prone to infection because of the large incision needed. The laproscopic procedure small incisions are used to install the lap band around a portion of the stomach. This surgery can be done as an outpatient in same day surgery. Just hours hours you're ready to go home. The lap band is adjustable and also can be reversed if need be when desired weight is reached. This website lap band surgery can fill you in on all of the particulars for the surgery. Here at Journey Lite your personal care wether physical or emotional will be handled by our highly competent well trained staff. Your post surgery well being will be covered by our follow up service.
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This post was based on facts from bloggitive.
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
I Am Sick
I don't feel worth a darn. I can't swallow without alot of hurt. Went to the doctor and got some antibiotics but so far they haven't helped but I have to give them a chance. I just got it during the night and don't know where it came from. Isn'a a virus or a cold but it sure hurts to swallow. Sure hope these pills work fast and I feel better fast. I think I have been working too hard and got run down. Feel like I've been run over right now. :0)
bettercaring - PR O
Today it seems like as soon as you get old enough you can't drive or remember everything they stick you in a nursing homes and they aren't always the best places. This website gives you a great listing of registered UK care homes. Sometimes you just need information on how to take care of yourself. I think sometimes I could use some assistance like this. This site gives you all kinds of information on home care and nursing home care and on finances too. And they have a great section of most frequently asked questions, where I got alot of my questions answered right there. I like their news articles too that gives you great advice on caring for yourself or others and the forum where you can tell your side of it and get others input. It is a very informative and useful website. Check it out.It is better to be prepared in advance than to have someone to take care of all of a sudden and not be sure what to do.
Wind Possible Snow
I'm not a great fan of the weather man today because he's talking snow possible before this front passes. I don't really mind the snow that much if it wouldn't get so cold. One neighbor is 53 but the rest around me are seniors in their 70's and 80's so that doesn't help much when you have to shovel snow. I have a snowblower and the young guy next door helps run it then we do everybodys driveways.I'm not ready to start yet.
Monday, November 12, 2007
Online Coupon Site
If you do alot of shopping online then you already know the best way is with coupons. To find the best coupons that will save you money this website Coupon Codes Is the place to go. Kohl coupons and codes are right there for you and easy to find. The site is easy to use and whatever coupon you want will be easy to find. It's the best way to save money say on a camera by just going to their site and check out the Target coupon codes and then go shopping.
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I'm being paid for this post.
Strange Feelings
I'm not really sure what is causing it but I have this strange feeling that tomorrow would be a good Casino day. My friend and I went a week ago and left with just a few dollars missing so maybe my luck is starting to change. The only real money we spent was on the buffet dinner $25 per couple. That was fantastic when you consider the ammount of food and how good it was. I would be willing just to go for the buffet and not even gamble.
BBQ Ribs
The VFW in Mason City serves up some delicous ribs and at a reasonable price. There are very few places that serve good BBQ ribs and the VFW is one of them. They also have a steak fry on oposite weekends that are very good. You know when you look at the menu and the only thing under $25 is the children portions you won't see me waiting in line. I prefer to do my own cooking at home then i know it'll be good.
HD Professional Stock Videos
If you're a professional cinimatographer then you already know you shoot way more HD film then you sell. Until now that extra HD footage just took up room in your storage room. Now all you have to do is visit this online website HD Professional Stock Videos and make your deal to sell unwanted HD footage. They have clients in different industries from independent film makers, broadcast television studios and production studios that are looking for that extra film footage. When it's purchased by a client it's theirs no strings. Royalty free with unlimited usage worldwide forever. The cinimatographer earns the extra money and the HD film isn't wasted. Always HD by dealing only in HD clips has producers that don't want anything else. Standard deffinition just doesn'thave it anymore so why sit on your Hd clips when there are others willing to pay you for it.
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This post was based on facts from bloggitive.
Sister Visiting
One of these days I have to take a couple days and go visit my sister in Illinois. I haven't seen her for over 10 years and it would be so fun. I've got a cousin in Kansas City that I haven't seen in 15 years and I could make the loop and visit both of them. None of us are getting any younger and should try to be closer than the computer. It would be a great idea for a vacation next year.
I'm Still Here
I don't know why it is but when I get started blogging I can't seem to stop after one or two. I guess I just enjoy doing it and expressing my opinions about things in general. Maybe if I got married again I would spend less time playing with the computer and more important things would get done sooner. Nah I don't want to do that again been there twice and that's enough.
Options Trading Software
You know there's money to be made out there in the markets but you don't knowwhere to look. This Website options trading software is the first place you should look. They are the exclusive user of SmartSearch technology that they patented. Over 2900 optional stocks and more than 190,000 options can be anylized, filtered and sorted to finf the right options for your investments. PowerOptions the only one to give you a 14 day free trial, User guide and support that gives you the edge on the competition. Don't forget this comes with their PowerOption Gaurentee. For making money on the options market there's only one way to go to assure profits and that's PowerOptions.
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This post was based on facts from bloggitive.
Morning Again
I'm not complaining that it's morning again I just think the night was awful short. My neighbors have all been up for hours and I just got up half an hour ago. I guess that comes with retirement being able to get up when you want and stay up as long as you can. I suppose the thing to do is go shower and get started on chores. I have several to get done today since yesterday was spent getting things I needed to do them. I've already had my wake up call from my friend so I'd better get going.
Bedtime For Me
My arms are going numb so I guess I really should get some sleep now. I've been sitting here for 4 hours now and have about 4 more to go. That's the main reason I'm using to go to bed now. Ya I'm tired, it happens about this time of the day. I guess pretty much every day too. My throat feels like it's getting a little sorer too so it should help to go take something for it. Goodnight all.
Wedding has been helping engaged couples plan beautiful weddings for over 10 years so they really know what their doing. They have everything you need like a local venders guide and inspirational photos,not to mention an online registery. they are well trained to help make your wedding the very best it can be. This site wedding should be the number one stop on your list. Here you'll find all the advice and planning help from experts in the wedding field.They are the most comprehensive wedding planning site on the web with your joy and happiness in mind. So take the stress out of the planning and let the experts take over.
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This post was based on facts from bloggitive.
I was getting ready to buy a bicycle and now it's to cold to ride one. I don't want to ride 10 or 20 miles just around town for much needed leg exercise. I have a 26 inch bike now but with the leg problems I have trouble getting on it so I think I'll get a 24 and see what happens. I guess the best thing to do right now is go to bed and sleep on it. SEE YA.
Raking Leaves
Doesn't it seem like we just raked leaves lasr month? The neighbors are out raking lik they've gone mad. The smell of burning leaves is in the air making it hard for me to breathe. It isn't all that bad unless it's right next door and comming in my windows. When I start coughing and gagging I leave and go get a frosty float and drive around for a while.
If you have a position you need to fill with the best possible candidate then there's only one place to look. That would definitely be online at this website headhunters wher you will find everything you need. With over 40 years of consistent placements A.E.Feldman Associates Inc. is the first place to look. They can make the perfect match for every position because having had careers in industry themselves their recruiters have a knowledge for their fields. They make the best choices because they have the contacts needed to find the perfect person for the position. Their practices include human services consulting, financial and risk management to luxury products and communications. Whatever your needs they can help fill it.
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This post was based on facts from bloggitive.
Sore Throat
The wind blew like the devil last week and the air was really cold. Now today we've had a beautiful day with very little wind and my throat seems a little sore. I certainly hope this is one of those sleep on it things and it'll be gone tomorrow. The work I have to do is all outside and I don't need a sore throat to do it with.
My Friend
My friend and I have been running around together for just over 8 years now. Her one big thing that gets to me once in a while is she is always trying to match people up. My neighbors wife died about 5 years ago and he started going around with an old friend of his. This year she died too and now he's alone and being a people person he needs someone to share with. He's 84 so it's just friendly companionship. Next week my friend set up a BBQ get together at the VFW on Saturday night for introductions. We'll see what happens.
AZ Pool Remodeling
In Mesa Arizona The oldest and best pool contractor is Cameo Pools. They aren't only the oldest builder but they build the best pools you can get. Their pool building is their trademark with nothing but the best. Building 200--300 pools a year thet're the people to talk to about your pool. If you will just go online to this website az pool remodeling you will be able to get al the information you need. Regardless of your lifestyle they can custom design a pool just for you. The main objective of Cameo Pools is to build the best pool you can buy and not to see how many they can build. This is why every pool is a masterpiece that they take great pride in.
This post was based on facts from bloggitive.
This post was based on facts from bloggitive.
Not The Best Chair
I'm sitting here in my big comfortable chair doing my blogging and I don't have much room. My 10 pound cat is laying right behind me. With her between me and the backrest it's the most comfortable position. She has this thing about when I'm home she doesn't get more than 3 feet away from me. I guess I really should be happy because she likes to lay or walk back and forth across the keyboard. Try blogging with that going on.
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Here We Go Again
The computer my friend won't work at my sisters house for some reason.I think it's just old and just tired. I don't think it's worn out because it seems to try to run at least. It wouldn't matter if it didn't run as fast as her old one but would have been nice to run at all. I'll keep trying to find her something so she can keep on blogging too. She does alot more than I do so could really use it.
When it comes to health and fitness retailers Alegro is one of the largest independently owned companies. Regardless of your needs you just check with them first and save all the looking around. Defibrillators, exercise equipment, nutritional suppliments it's all there.I think you should check out this website defibrillator where you can get a better idea of everything they have to offer. has over 50,000 categories and hundred of subcategories to choose from from baby supplies to matternity wear and outdoop gear. They have it all plus every kind of medical product to make life easier for you. You can shop by condition, category or even brandnames. If you sign up you'll recieve a gift Alegro eCatelog of limited time specials and discounts.
This post was based on facts from bloggitive.
This post was based on facts from bloggitive.
Feeling good
I have a power massager and my friend came over tonight and really worked my back and shoulders over. I was really getting sore and was having trouble getting things done because my arm was so sore. I told her she could do it again tomorrow night too. I figure after sitting here most the night I'll need it again.
Winter Or Summer?
The last week and a half the weather has been getting colder saying winter is comming. Well today the temps were in the 60's and are going to stay there for several more days. I guess God knows I have outside work to do before winter really gets here. There are a few drafts to block up and AC to cover. That's always alot of fun in the snow. Lets just hope the warm weather lasts long enough to get it done.
sarbanes 404
If you are in business, markets or what then security is the biggest factor you have to cope with. Actually it's really quite easy to have. Just visit this website sarbanes 404 and you can aquire all the information you need to protect yourself and your business. With UNIX and LINEx security solutions Symark software just upgraded to a PowerBroker PowerPassword-user management edition (UME). If you have the HP-UX 11i v3 system on your HP integrity server it will be fully supported by this software. The new software has built in lock down security devices to protect your it environments. The best thing to do is visit the site and be amazed at what it can do for your business.
This post was based on facts from bloggitive.
This post was based on facts from bloggitive.
My sisters computer went down and since none of us know that much about them I found a friend who had an older one I could have. I went and got it and will take it to her this afternoon. Once you start working with a computer you really get used to it. When it breaks down you really feel lost without it. The one that shut down is an old one a friend gave me to get started on so I guess it served it's purpose.
Shopping Time
Shopping time seems to happen more and more offen these days. I have friends that are buying Christmas presents allready. I'm one of those people who wait until the last minute. Most of the time if I do buy a present early I wind up giving it to them before time. Today it's just for the specials on much needed clothes like jeans and T-shirts. I enjoy getting out and around on a nice day like today.
All Inclusive Mexico Vacations
When planning you vacation to Mexico remember Kasisma and secluded white sand beaches. You'll find luxury living at it's best with a collection of hotels with an ocean view or the view of our beautiful rain forests. Swim up room hammocks and hot tubs await your arrival.You'll find everything you could ever dream of just by asking. This website All Inclusive Mexico Vacation can fill in the details of the Karisma and the other luxury resorts in the immediate area. The Eldorado resort is a gourmet adult only resort with 196 junior suites. There's also an adult nudist resort in a secluded area for nature lovers. When Mexico is on your mind then you must visitthe website above and find the hotel for you wether kid friendly or adult only you'll find them all at your fingertips.
This post based on facts from bloggitive.
This post based on facts from bloggitive.
I Don't Know Why
That's right I don't know why I'm still sitting here blogging when I should be sleeping.The carpel tunnel in my right hand is making it really hard to type with it. I hunt and pick anyway because I was hurt when I was young and can't type. My left hand won't work the keys so I just use 1 finger. That's usually enough but when it's late my hand keeps going to sleep and it gets wild around here.
Lucky Day
Today being my birthday I had many stops to make doing errands. At the grocery store I played the pulltab machine with $2 and won $20.50 and that's not bad. Then my friend invited me to the VFW for a drink on him so I went. While there I put $2 in their pulltab machine and won $10 so you can't beat that either. I told him I'd better hurry and get a powerball ticket while I was hot so went and got 2 tickets. After the drawing I found out I had cooled off and didn't win the 80 million. I'll try again at the next drawing.
Honda Radiators
It seems like there is one thing everyone will need at least once in their life. That's a new radiator for their car or truck.If you happen to have this problem now go to this site Honda Radiator and you will find your cure. You can order online the best quality radiator and get it at the lowest possible price. Besides getting the best quality lowest priced radiator You also get The gaurenteed satisfaction with a lifetime warranty. You can't expect anything less from a family run business with overnight delivery from one of their warehouses that you find nationwide. Nothing but the best American workmanship in their products. Our locally owned distribution centers and warehouses insure you will have what you need and in a prompt efficent manner.
This post was based on facts from bloggitive.
This post was based on facts from bloggitive.
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Celebrations Over
Midnight was the end of my birthday partying.My friends and I have been doing something every night for the week. Tonight with dinner at a very good restaurant and a couple great drinks it finally ended. I really have to say it was one of the best birthdays I've had in many years. Thank You to one and all that helped make it so great.
Friday, November 9, 2007
Dentemp OS
While eating dinner out with friends I bit down on a bone in my meat. The crown on my tooth popped right off and left me with a mouthful of pain. I wish I had Dentemp then because I could have temporarily repaired the tooth and had a good night out. Instead I called it a night and missed out on the fellowship of my friends. This website Dentemp OS could be the start of a wonderful friendship if you have dental problems of any kind. With Dentemp OS you can replace a crown or filling that's loose and continue doing whatever you were doing before. At "" you will find many different dental care products to make your life easier. Since my little tooth problem happened I've gotten dentures and don't experience the tooth breaking or chipping with terrible pain and agony. I still need Dentemp in my life because the other day I broke a tooth off of my denture and had a big hole in my smile. Luckily I had the tooth and with Dentemp DOC (Dentist on call) I was able to reoair it at home. The cost for their products is so reasonable it's hard to believe. It's nice to have a major company that can do so much for the dental needs of the everyday person. You'll be so happy you check out the website for yourself.

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I'm being paid for this post.
The Last Day.
You know that the last day of the year is always the best followed by the first day of next year. Of course I'm talking birthdays and today is the last day of my 70th year. Tomorrow starts the big 71st year. I never thought I'd make it this far and there were several people along the way that didn't think so either. Well I guess I had better get going and get everything done so tomorrow I can sit back and enjoy it.
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Talent Rock
If your friends tell you that you have talent or even if you think you do then go online to this website Talent Rockand find out for sure. Hundreds of agents are looking for people who can act, dance, sing or even model. If you check it out you could be the worlds next superstar. There's many opportunities out there but you can't let them get away so check it out in time for the big industry event.
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I'm being paid for this post.
Movietime Tonight
My friend bought the DVD of Evan Almighty and we watched it tonight. It was really quite good and my friend thought so to. I like horror and action films and she doesn't. Sometimes we compromise and she'll watch one a little scary. Other times I'll watch a chick flick with her that she wants to see. I have my own collection of DVD's that are action or scary films and I watch them when I feel like it.
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
The Mist
I for one am a big Stephen King fan and love everything I've seen of his. The Stand was great but so were The Tommy kKnockers and Langoliers. If you enjoy really good terror movies that will have you on the edge of your seat then he is the writer to follow.This Site The Mist by Stephen King will help you understand a small bit how his mind works. What about Pet cemetery or Needful Things? Every movie they do with Stephen Kings Stories will be the best terror you can find. I wouldn't want to spend time on the Green Mile but maybe you would. There are alot of good writers out there but they don't have the touch of stephen King when it comes to holding your attention just to be scared. No matter how hard you try not to sooner or later during the movie he will get to you and scare you to death. I personally can't wait until it comes to a theater near here to go see it. After that I'll wait for it to come out on DVD so I can buy it and watch it whenever I want to. Being a fan with over 40 of his books in my collection I have to see every movie that comes out that was made from one of his books. For my favorite I would have to say The Stand and Kujo would probable tie for the honors. They not only have the terror but the shock moments that scare you out of your mind.

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I'm being paid for this post.
Monday, November 5, 2007
Back To Retirement
With the grain harvest over for myself and the people I work with I can enjoy my retirement again. The best part is all my past due bills will be paid and I'll have a few extra dollars to gamble at the Casino 20 miles down the road. I don't go there often but I do enjoy myself when I do. I guess I have to get off the computer because my 10 pound cat just took over my extra space and I can't move. Naturally when you can't move then you do something else.
Car Quotes And More
Everyone wants to save money when they buy a new car. Now there's a way you can do this and not ever pay full price again. The object of savingis this website Honda Car Quote everything you need to know is here. You list with them what make and model you're looking for and you will have dealers competeing for your business. This is the best way to save. With the dealers competeing the prices just keep going down. sometimes it even gets below cost and that's saving at it's best. You'll always get 2 quotes on the car you want and it's even free and easy too.
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I'm being paid for this post.
Year End Harvest
Today I went to work and hauled corn for 11 hours. When I parked my truck in the bosses farm I was done with the harvest. It's been a long haul this year because of all of the rain. The fields were so muddy we couldn't get into them with the semi's and had to be loaded on the road. This last week the wind dryed everything out so we could truck the right way. We finished about 7:00 tonight and everybody was glad to see it end. Well there's always next year.
Saturday, November 3, 2007
Storage Solution
If you walk into your garage and things are stacked, leaning on, or under something then you need a change.The absolute best way to solve your problem is to visit this website storage solutions where you will find thousands of idea how to convert your garage into a master work place. I mean tool chests, workbenches, cupboards (both standing and wall mounted) to hold everything so you know where it is. There's a thousand things you can use to make your dream garage come true. Just tell what your clutter is and we have a solution for you. Gardening tools or mechanic tools we have you covered so stop by and check out our ideas.
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I'm being paid for this post.
Tonight when I pulled into the driveway of the trailor park I live in a big racoon crossed in front of me. I feed several stray cats and I've had racoons, possums.even skunks feed from the cats chow. That doesn't count stray dogs, squirrels and birds. You would be surprized how much cat chow you use in a year. Thank heaven all the visiters don't feed year round or I'd be in the poor house.
Todays Inovative Tutoring
Score Learning Centers have inovative tutoring methods to educate your child to the best of their learning abilities. Not only helping your child learn but also helping you learn how you can tutor them. I was always sure of the fact that my children got the best education possible. If you just take a few minutes to visit this website Innovative Tutor you can be sure your child has every advantage for learning. Proper education is every parents job and now you know where to look for the help you need.

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I'm being paid for this post.
Staying Awake
I'll tell you what I'm having trouble with right now. I want to go lay down and take a nap. I'm suffering from the full tummy syndrome. After eating a huge meal and having a couple drinks with it I want to rest. My friend decided to go home and do just that so the night was shortened a couple hours. Her son and wife are here from out of town so she will be able to spend extra time with them. They were just married 2 months ago and she enjoys having them come home.
Math tutoring
Score Learning Centers can tutor or help you with a program to help you tutor your child. My wife and I tutored our children at home to give them every advantage they could have in life. This site Math Tutors is wher you must go to get all the facts. Being ready to help your child learn all they can is the best thing you can do for them. There are just to many children being passed through school with only the basic skills and not a lot of that. You must be sure your's gets all the benefits they can from education.

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I'm being paid for this post.
Fabulous Times
Tonight my friend took me to dinner at the best local steakhouse in the whole area.Fillet Mignon and greek spaghetti are my faves and that's just what I had. Whenever you go there it's exactly like the last time. The food is prepared to perfection. I hadn't been there for 6 months and it was like yesterday. Nothing but total satisfaction with the menu. What a great way to dine.
Friday, November 2, 2007
Reading Tutors
Being able to read sometimes you don't realize how much a child needs this function in their lives. The best possible education you could possibly give your child is a gift that will help them the rest of their lives. If you take a minute and check this site Reading Tutors you'll find information on the best reading tutor programs available anywhere. Score Learning Centers can give your child the lift they need. My wife and I have always been strict on learning because it's the one thing every child needs to survive.

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I'm being paid for this post.
Dinner Out
Looks like it will be dinner out 2 weeks in a row for my birthday. My friend told me tonight she was taking me to dinner tomorrow night and again next week. When I think about it a good back and shoulder massage would be even better than a nice rare steak. Let's hope maybe they are both out there just waiting for me to come along.
The Weekend Off
The boss told us all today we were taking the weekend off because there is only one good day left and we;ve been going 7 days a week without a break. Everybody is getting tired of the same old same old anf need a rest. I know I'm ready for anything that looks like rest and relaxation. Og course I'm older than most of the rest of the guys.
Capella University
You say you would like to find an online college program to get your degrees at and do it all online. This website capella university should be your first stop. They are fully acredited and offer degrees in psychology, Human services, public health even information technology. They offer 15 certificate programs in 104 graduate and undergraduate specalizations. Students from 56 countries and all 50 states are served by this online university based in Minneapolis. They are committed to the 20,000 students they now serve to provide the highest acedemic excellence in all fields of their education. Your degree is at your fingertips so check out that website.
This post was based on facts from bloggitive.
This post was based on facts from bloggitive.
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Dinner Out
I was just informed by my great friend that she was taking me to to best steakhouse in the area. It has been in business since the early 1900's and passed down from father to son. they have the best cooks and food to go with them. Their meals are expensive but if you don't mind eating early and waiting in line for them to open for half an hour then it's worth it. Greek Salad and spaghetti are side dishes that make your mouth water. They open at 5:00 P.M. and you must be in line by 4:30 or you won't be in the first seating. Oh I forgot to say it's for my 71st birthday. What a woman to think of that.
Payday Loan Quotes
We have all had it happen where the things we need are here now and we don't get the money for a while. Now there's a chance to get ready cash now. Check this website Payday Loan Quotes and you can check all the different plans for cash now. Up to $1500 electronically deposited in your bank. You make the pay back arrangements and it's yours now. You don' have to wait and miss out on the good things in life.
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I'm being paid for this post.
Well it's that time of year again to get a year older. I really don't feel old but some say I am so I must be, at least to them. I look at the kids that were babies years ago and are grown now and I don't feel old. Why should the kids look so old to me. I guess if my legs worked like they did 10 years ago I'd feel even younger and maybe chase a few girls. Oh well life goes on wether we like it or not.
Lap Band
Since the days of stomach stapling things have really changed. Dr. Richard Collier developed a lap band process that replaces the old stomach staples. This website kingwood lap band is the first stop to a slim figure. The lap band can be not only installed but adjusted by way of laproscopic surgery. Dr. Collier is the formost surgeon in Texas for the procedure. The surgery can be done and you can go home the same day. When you have reached your goal weight wise it can be reversed and removed.
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I'm being paid for this post.
Harvest Time Done
The corn harvest is getting over now in 2 more days. Everyone is thrilled that it done. It's been a long wet harvest period to get through without tempers going a little heywire. There were a couple problems with a couple drivers but I think it was because the younger driver was jealous of the older drivers experience. He young and has a whole lot to learn about trucking and truck driving. I hope he lives long enough to get it done.
It is a good idea before you start gambling online to go to this website and get the lowdown facts about gaming experience, bonuses and information about the casinos. The best place to do this is casino online. They have all the information you need so you can make the right selection of an online casino. You want more excitement and less trouble when you play so this website can give you all the information on the game, features, graphics, etc. The more you know about the casino and its games before you start playing, the better you are going to do and the less problems you will have. It should really help you to win more. And you want to be sure and check out the bonuses they offer too before you get started so you don't get stuck. I don't have a lot of money to gamble with so I want all the odds in my favor that I can get and this site will be a big help to me.
Tough Day
This has been a really tough day out in the semi hauling corn to the elevators. Weather is good and wind quit blowing so hard but I am getting really tired from the long days without any breaks. Was kind of nice to have a rainy day once in a while but now it is clear and we are hard at it. Got to get to bed after my shower and get read for tomorrow.
Online betting facilities at bet365
When I get a few bucks I feel I can spare I like to go up to the area Casino and play the slots. I always have a good time but you have to drive there and it isn't always so convenient. Now I found this online website for online gambling that I can have a good time in the privacy of my home. With winter coming on, I won't have to fight any snow storms either to get to the Casino, it will be right here in my warm home. Another thing I like about it is the Sportsbook betting. I like to bet at the local store but this will be easier. And the poker games are always a challenge and a lot of good fun too. I see they offer a $500 signup bonus and you don't even have to put up $500 of your own money. Check out the site and see how that works. They have fixed it so you can play all your games and it goes on one account too so you don't have to keep track of anything. It looks like a real good deal to me. Why don't you look into it too and I think you will want to join bet365 too.
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