Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Owch That Hurts

I have a very high pain threshold conpared to most people. I can play or work with a lot of pain because I know it will get better. I put off going to a doctor because they just say take 2 aspirin and put heat or ice on it. Well I have an attack of gout and let me tell you it brought me to my knees. It was in my foot and kept me awake all night in just plain pain that even I couldn't stand. I called and went to the doctor, who gave me some pills to take every hour for 6 pills then repeat the same the next day. Within an hour or maybe even less the pain was gone and I thought the doctor was the greatest guy I had ever met. What I'm trying to say if someone tells you they had a gout attack just have plenty of sympathy for them and be glad it wasn't you.

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