Saturday, April 3, 2010


Tomorrow is a great day for everyone to get out and give thanks for the wonderful life God has given them. I had an ocasion where I spent 4 days in shock with severe burns and wasn't expected to live through the week. Since then 60 years have passed and I thank God every day for the extra time he has given me. I've always said that God had a reason for keeping me alive and there's some day he will reveal what it is. Many times through the extra 60 years I've lived I came in contact with various people that needed help in one way or another and I tried my best to help them. Sometimes it means sharing what little cash I have or physical help moving heavy objects. Then again I was just someone that was there for them to unload their hearts to. Everyone has problems of one kind or another and all they need is someone to listen. It's like my late wife Betty used to say when she came home from work yelling. She would say you know I'm not yelling at you I'm just yelling at you. I don't know what I'd do if you weren't here to vent my hostilities to, probably go crazy. Since she died I've had many friends come over for a beer and a good gabfest to get things off their chests. I'm a very good listener and my advice is free wether you want it or not. I think the best Easter present you could give someone is friendship, so be a friend to everyone you know and they will spread it to everyone they know and what a wonder world we will have , " UNDER GOD " , Love Your Friend " HAPPY EASTER "

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