The Big Hill
Thanks for the article from Jermaine Haynes
Spending time with friends and family in the Winter time has always been my favorite thing to do since I was a little girl. Today I'm off work, and it is snowing gently outside my window. I call up my two girlfriends, Hannah and Leanne. I ask them if they would like to go sledding down the big hill in my old neighborhood. We all grew up together and did this every winter. Even though we are in our late twenties now, we still love the adventure of going back to a place and time where everything was so simple. They agreed to meet me there. I grab my sled from the garage and load it into my car. I remember I need to set my home security alarm
(ADT PULSE), so I run back inside and turn it on. I then jump in my car and go meet the girls on the hill. We have an amazing time taking turns sledding down the hill then running up and doing it again. When we get tired, we all decide to go have a cup of coffee at Hannah's house and watch a movie. I'd have to say this was a wonderful winter day with great friends and memories.