Sunday, July 8, 2012

Finally !!!

Here in northern Iowa we've had some 100 degree weather for several weeks. The temps have finally cooled off about 15 degrees and what a difference. The farmers are facing drought conditions in the fields. The Lord saw fit to bless me with bad lungs and the hot weather about does me in. It's kind of a game with me with heat and humidity. Sometimes the heat doesn't bother me so much and others it kills me to be outside. The humidity is another problem because one day low humidity is great and the next high humidity is easier to breathe. You don't know until you walk out the door and try it. If it's to bad you go back into the house with the AC running and wait until late afternoon and hope it cools off enough to breathe. I really hate to say it but winter months are a little bit better at least for me. I still don't go outside on bad days.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The good Lord didn't give you bad lungs, that came from your choice of jobs and perhaps you were a smoker or still do smoke. God only gives us good things, not bad.