Many years ago people wanting to lose weight had their stomachs stapled. Today through modern medical progress you can have a lap band inserted oround a portion of your stomach.Gastric banding through laproscopic surgery developed by Dr. Richard Collier is the safest surest way to have this done. If you go to this website kingwood lap band you can get all the particulars on how it works. The best part of the adjustable lap band is it can be reversed and removed after you have lost the weight you wanted to. Plus no large incisions and can be done as same day surgery going home the same day.
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Monday, October 29, 2007
Lap Band
Many years ago people wanting to lose weight had their stomachs stapled. Today through modern medical progress you can have a lap band inserted oround a portion of your stomach.Gastric banding through laproscopic surgery developed by Dr. Richard Collier is the safest surest way to have this done. If you go to this website kingwood lap band you can get all the particulars on how it works. The best part of the adjustable lap band is it can be reversed and removed after you have lost the weight you wanted to. Plus no large incisions and can be done as same day surgery going home the same day.
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I'm being paid for this post.
The stray mother cat just presented us with 5 new kittens. That's not so bad except she still has 4 almost full grown ones running around here now. Yhey're great kittens but the neighbor kids chase them so they're scared of everyone except me and one neighbor. It's awful hard finding them homes when you have to introduce them to the people before they will even let anyone pet them.
Vintage Bulk Candy
There are millions of people in this world with a sweet tooth and nothing to satisfy it. The candies they always used to buy don't exist anymore. If you stop by this website vintage bulk candy you'll be in for a suprise. Not only can you purchase candy you want at discount prices but you can also find some of the old favorites. How about bottle caps and mud pies to start. Baby Ruths, Kit Kats, Butter Fingers or Cadbury to appease your sweet needs. Skittles and Red Hot Dollars can be bought by the pound along with Mentos and many more. is the website for the consumer who knows what they like and where to find it at discount prices. Your sweet tooth will never need again at least not for long.
This post was based on facts from bloggitive.
This post was based on facts from bloggitive.
Books To Learn From
I've tried the dummies books on different subjects but I guess I'm just not the right kind of dummy. They still use alot of words I can't understand. Some manuals think that everybody knows alot about the subject at hand so they don't explain anything that you really want to know and don't. What good is the book in this type of situation?
Winding Down Finally
Have you ever had a temporary job that just keeps on keeping on? well this harvest seems like that. With the bad weather and delays because of equipment breakdown it seems like it's lasting forever. I know it really isn't but it seems like it. Everyone is getting tired of the long lines and wet fields and tempers are starting to wear out. Just one more week and we can all relax.
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Orlando Vacation Rentals
When you are planning a trip to the Orlando area there is one thing you must do first. This website orlando vacation rentals is a must to make your vacation the best ever. Flights everywhere in the Orlando area not to mention car reantal and the most affordable rates for hotels. They also have the largest selection of hotels to choose from. For nightlife and intertainment you have a personal guide to show you all of the best places for dinning and intertainment. When you're in the Orlando area with all of the amusement parks and other sites in the area it's hard to know where to start. The best place to start is and from there everything else comes easy.
This post was based on facts from bloggitive.
This post was based on facts from bloggitive.
I got wild the other day and sent on a course on computing and how to do it. I hope to learn a bunch of stuff I don't know. Like that's about everything about computers. I really don't know squat when it comes to how it really works and how to get it to do what I want it to. The company swears that this course is way better than computers for dummies. I guess we'll see in a couple weeks or however long it takes to get it.
One Week to Go
There's only one more week of harvest to go. If the weather holds like it is right now then we'll be done in a week or maybe 8 days. wWe have really been moving alot of corn everyday with 5 semi trailors. The elevators have been cooperating with the harvest and staying open longer during the week and then open Sat. and Sunday too. I guess the best part besides the wages is getting to sleep in after it's done. Man do you ever get draged out tired. When you're older it shows even more.
Friday, October 26, 2007
Baby Shops
If you just had a new baby come into your life then you need another newcommer too. This website baby shops mainly because they have a new addition to their family too. It's a new website based on real parents giving their honest opinions on all kinds of baby products you need for your newborn. Knots inc has always been a forunner abd with a new website covering 5,000 neighborhoods, 32,000 listings and 120,000 reviews from coast to coast. Everything is covered from pediatricians to bottles and strollers. If you happen to be still waiting for that blessed event then maternity clothes are your thing. Take the worry out of which one is right for your baby. Go online now and find out for yourself.
This post was based on facts from bloggitive.
This post was based on facts from bloggitive.
That Time Of Night.
Oh boy it's that time of night again and it seems like it just started when it's really over. I put in 11 hours driving truck and came home and ate and started blogging. The time has come to head down the hall to the shower and then to bed since I have to be trucking again tomorrow. In another week to 10 days it will be over and I can spend lots more on the computer again. I really can't wait because that means I can sleep in.
Beauty Show
My friend is a beautician and she also trained her grandaughter in the field. She used to be a beauty school instructor for many years. She was trained by one of the very best in the business. They have a big show in Des Moines, iowa this weekend and her grandaughter wants her to go down with her. She is going to recieve an award for being a representitive for a major beauty company and wants grand mother to be there since she trained her. It should really be a great weekend for both of them.
Airline Miles Credit Cards
Today it seems like everyone has several credit cards they rely on. If you don't have a credit card because your credit isn't all it should be or you are trying to establish a credit record then you should go to this website Airline Miles Credit Cards and they can help you find the right card for you. You'll find citibank,Bank of America even J.P.morgan Chase as a few credit card companies. Mastercard, Discover,Visa or American express are all available with lower interest rates and even lower credit limits for your first card. There's a card out there for you even if your credit isn't the best and you want to improve it.Ckeck it out it couldn't hurt establish your credit line.
This post based on facts from bloggitive.
This post based on facts from bloggitive.
Truck Rentals
The boss leases three trucks for about $500 a week and the rental sent us some really beat up trucks. We weren't sure they would make it through the harvest or not. The one I drive broke down the first day and had to go into the shop for repairs for the day. They've had to have one of the others worked on too. You would think the lease company would take more pride in their equipment.
Why Not
Last week I worked 9 hours and 15 the week before because of the rain we've had. This really makes for a small paycheck. Well we got back to work Wednesday and when things are going good it rained again tonight. I hope it wasn't enough to keep us from working. The boss said we only have 2 weeks left and we'll be done for the year. Oh well it pays the bills for this fall.
Whirlpool Refridgerators
In the world today people tend to search the internet for their every need. This goes for major appliances too. The summer time calls for air conditioning and refridgerators to to be replaced. Since the majority of people use the search engines of the internet to search for the right refridgerator to meet their needs. This site Whirlpool Refrigerators is the ideal place to start looking. Most engines can't point out exact locations and local businesses. That's where Krillion localization engine gives you information for 40,000 U.S. Cities and 275 million pages of search results. They know even though they search on line people usually buy from local dealers. Appliances aren't all they also cover lawn equipment and flat screen TV's and dishwashers. The really best way to compare before you buy.
This post was based on facts provided by bloggitive.
This post was based on facts provided by bloggitive.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Ashop Commerce
If you have a small business and would like to compete with the major online businesses then you must contact this website and see what they can do for you and your shopping cart software and more, for your business. E-commerce is the fastest growing helper for the small business. You'll find affordable software and be web based without the installation hassle. They have already helped thousands of merchants that are now successful. You'll even be able to accept credit cards online plus this online company is recognized by all major banking institutions including PayPal. It doesn't get any easier than that. Everything is set up in your favor to enhance your business. By checking into their website you'll discover shopping cart software that you can get for a small fee. Don't worry because there aren't any hidden fees or charges you have to worry about. If you remember ecommerce software and shopping cart you can't go wrong.
Mobile Homes
I live in a mobile home park and really enjoy it. I have great neighbors and it's usually peaceful around here. We have many of the lot renters that go south for the winter and that leaves less than half of us here. The people across the way in the east driveway are getting a new 16 x 80 trailor delivered today and the guys are having a really tough time getting it in the space provided for it. Being a retired semi driver myself I can understand what the driver is going through trying to get it parked. That's where the fun comes in.
Holiday Shopping Promotion
The holidays are comming and after Thanksgiving the lines will really be long. To avoid all the hassle of the long lines shop online at Your shopping is made easy with Best Buy Deals and Circuit City ads to save you not only money but hours of running from store to store. The absolute super easy way to shop is this website black friday for the very latest money saving deals from all major stores. I like to check out the deals online to save some money and one of the features of black is when they have new ads to post they will email you so you can get right in there before they're gone. Because they put everything at your fingertips they are the most consumer friendly website on the internet. Everything you could need or just want is right there for the looking and comparing in the convenience of your home. Wal-mart specials, Office max special deals are all right there.The main thing you should remember when you hear the name black friday it isn't just a name for the day after Thanksgiving but it's also you doorway to all of your shopping needs for the holidays. Beat the rush and crowds plus waiting in line to pay and just make Black your first stop. No need to go any further to find everything you want at sale prices.
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I'm being paid for this post.
Go Visiting
I have a friend in Mason City that I haven't seen for some time. Her family and I have been friends for over 25 years. She recently lost her mother to cancer and her father isn't the best either.It's nice to visit with her to find out how she's holding up.Since I lost my wife to cancer I understand alot of the ups and downs that I can help her with. She stopped by one day when she was here and brought me some sweet treats that I'm not allowed around here. I don't need to say I ate every bit of it and now writing about it makes me wish she would bring some more.
Next Door Neighbor
My neighbor lost his drivers license 30 years ago so he just never bothered to get another one. Every so often they pick him up driving down a gravel road late at night trying to get back home. Besides his driving problem he has a booze problem too. Needless to say he has always been drinking when they pick him up. When his dad died his mother inheirited the farm and a bunch of money. She always bails him out when he gets in trouble. This time bond is $50,000 and I think she's going to let him sit in jail. We'll have to wait and see.
Monday, October 22, 2007
Ladder Racks
There has been many times I had to haul a ladder on top of my car. Anyone who does handyman work or contractors know how important a ladder rack can be when moving from one job to the next. Wether you use a pickup, a car or flatbeb truck your equipment is moved in the most secure manner.If you are in need of one then check this website ladder rack for the best racks you can find. Between Kargo Master, Amer-rac and Cross tread they can offer Utility boxes, ladder racks and other accessories to convert your truck into the master construction machine for every job.
This post was based on facts from bloggitive.
This post was based on facts from bloggitive.
Sunday, October 21, 2007
More politics
I really wonder sometimes what would happen if the United States let the rest of the world fend for themselves and just took care of Americans. I get letters raising funds for every country in the world but I never get one for the needy people right here in this country. I heard yesterday the cost of living increase is the smallest in years for social security recipients 2.4%. I haven't heard what the congressional people voted for themselves. If the government would give me a check just once equal to a senators years wages I could pay all my bills and could actually live on my Social Security Check. How about you?
Politics And Garbage
Have you ever noticed how much garbage gets spread around the country when they start trying to elect someone? Boy,I'll tell you it really gets deep here in Iowa and they just keep comming back bringing more. I wonder if the politicians would be totally honest if they had to come back after elections are over and clean it all up. What a wonderful world it would be. Don't get me wrong I don't mind the political races I just wish we had something more than the lesser of 2 evils to vote for. What a blessing that would be for everyone.
Preapproved credit card offer holders go to this website to check out the application. If you use this site you don't need thenumbers you got in the mail. The First National Bank of Omaha will take your information on line. Card checks and rechecks the credit card companies for your benefit. This is how you know you're getting the credit plan and card to fit your needs. To be sure this is right for you they check the card market contually and regularly upgrade their card offers. They work hard to see you get the best plan for your purposes. The next time you get a preapproved application in the mail go to and check it out there they could have a better offer for you.
This post was based on facts from bloggitive.
This post was based on facts from bloggitive.
Why? Why Not.
Everybody keep saying you need friends and the more the better. I'm starting to think if you have 2 good friends that's enough. More than that you have to keep track of everything you say and do with them because sooner or later they will tell someone whatis going on and it won't be even close to what really happened. The way my luck runs I get blamed for everything they do anyhow. I find with only 2 really good friends to hang out with life gets really easy.
Time To Rest Now
My friend just called and asked if I wanted to go get a rootbeer float and I can't resist going. I love Wendy's rootbeer floats because they are made with soft ice cream and rootbeer when you order. They satisfy a need to be refreshed and take away the munchies too. They're really my kind of treat even on a cooler day like today. Well gotta go now but I'll be back soon.
Unique Wedding Favors Ideas
You say you're planning a wedding and don't know how to get started then check out this website unique wedding favor ideas this is where you can get the best ideas ever. Ring pillows to cameras they have it all. Many items that can be personalized with the date and names of the bride and groom. The Knot Wedding Shop has quality wedding supplies and over a thousand hard to find items you may want. Besides offering the bride 24 hour internet online services they also have turnaround delivery for last minutes items needed just before the big day. Knots is not only the largest internet retailer but they have the best prices.
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This post based on facts from bloggitive.
I'm about ready to have my phone taken out because everytime I get started on a project the phone rings and someone needs something right now. I have to stop whatever it is I'm doing to do what they want me to do. If it were one of the guys I tell them I'm to busy but it's usually my girlfriend and she has created a new honeydoo list that has to be done right away. I think with the phone I'll move out in the sticks and be a hermit.
Day Off
Yesterday just before quiting time I blew out 2 tires on my truck and there wasn't any place to get them repaired. Today the boss was going to check to see if someone would open up and do it but I guess he didn't find anyone. That means I have to wait until tomorrow to get it done. I got the day off today and maybe again tomorrow if we get the rain they say is comming.
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Telemarketing Lists
With 14 million businesses and 290 million consumers in their dadabase Martin Worldwide is hard to beat for telemarketing lists. With this database of inovative mailing list they have built their trustworthy reputation as a leader in the business. This website Telemarketing Lists is the first place you should check for the mailing lists you need. Fax, Telemarketing and cumtomized list are provided not only to small businesses but also to fortune 1000 companies. With a decade in the business of providing these list you can understand why they are the leaders. Their database also identifies active prospects with a history of responsive and impulse buying. when you check here first you have no need to go any further because they have everything you could possibly need.
This post is based on facts from bloggitive
This post is based on facts from bloggitive
Friday, October 19, 2007
Winter What?
The weatherman made me happy tonight because he said no rain and going to warm up into high 80's. I can handle that for at least another month or so. we don't usually have snow until later in November but it can happen anytime. When we were in the fields last week there were a few snow flurries in the air. They only lasted for minutes but they were there and that old scary thought went through all our minds. Like go away and come again some other day. OH YA.
Making A Living
When you get ready to retire you had better have a retirement plan where you work. If you don't you'll find out the hard way that social security just isn't enough to live on. If you or your spouse gets sick with a bad disease like cancer you can watch your savings go down the drain in a hurry. Many couples have planned on retirment for years and just before it happens one of them gets sick and everything is washed down the tubes.I enjoy blogging and the few dollars here and there help me keep my head above water. So when you plan for your retirement please really take everything into consideration so you won't come up short.
Silver Bars Savings
The money market is always a good investment but right now silver is a big deal to get into. The United states dumped billions of onces of silver on the open market since World War II. Now silver is a much sought after comodity for precious metal investors.This site silver bars is where you'll learn the most about the precious metal markets. I even have a few coins put away that will be worth much more to my survivers than me. If you're interested in purchasing precious metals the Monex company will help you with your purchase. They deal in Silver, Gold and all precious coins that you could want. It's the fastest growing investment on the open market so check it out before it's gone. The demand for silver already is greater than the production of it.
This post is based on facts from bloggitive.
This post is based on facts from bloggitive.
Weather Or Not
I'm not sure the weather is helping anything but it seems to be.It's not raining right now but my neighbor just walked by my window with her coat all buttoned up and collar pulled up around her neck. I was out earlier and didn't think it was that cold but I'm maybe tougher than she is. Next month everything will be trying to turn white and I guess I won't even mind that because you can always put on more clothes. The real summer heat gets me though because you can only take off so much without getting arrested. Although there some cases where it's really close.
Credit Cards
When a friend asks what I think is the best type of credit card I tell them Visa or Mastercard because they are excepted about everywhere. Some stores limit the cards they will take and some cards charge alot of interest. If you go to this website best buy credit cards you'll be able to get more detailed information. I have several store cards but the interest rates are high so I usually stay with my Visa and Mastercard. I deal guite often with Best Buy and their card is a good one to have or Discover might be for you. You just have to check cards for limits and interest rates before you get yours. Read the fine print before you sign.
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I'm being paid for this post.
Windy Day
Boy that wind is blowing 40 miles an hour. I hope it's drying the fields out so we can get the corn out of the fields. It dried enough for us to go to work at 3:00 in the afternoon and by 7:00 it was raining again. If this wind keeps blowing we will be back in the fields this afternoon or in the morning. The boss will be thrilled to death and the rest of us will get paid so our creditors will be happy too.
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Shopping Cart Software - US
When you are starting an online shopping business, you soon find that a shopping cart is one of the very most important assets of your online business. This company can provide you with ecommerce software to set up your shopping cart service. When a customer buys several things, they keep going back to their shopping cart and sometimes adding and subtracting items. You want to be sure you have the best shopping cart software available for them so that it will be an easy and pleasant shopping experience for them.Check into this company for that.

You can accept credit cards online and there are thousands of other features you can use to build your online store. They also offer you a free 10 day trial. That is a definite plus because then you can be sure of it's accuracy and ease.This company has helped thousands of online merchants and is now regarded as the most intuitive shopping cart software available in the world.

You can accept credit cards online and there are thousands of other features you can use to build your online store. They also offer you a free 10 day trial. That is a definite plus because then you can be sure of it's accuracy and ease.This company has helped thousands of online merchants and is now regarded as the most intuitive shopping cart software available in the world.
I signed up with Smorty awhile back and I have had fun and I get paid for blogging. This is a win win situation. Blog advertising is very important to the advertisers as it is important to tell about their websites and draw business to them. Smorty makes this possible by offering us the opportunity to blog for money. I enjoy typing on the computer and it is enjoyable to be able to write about all the various subjects that Smorty offers us bloggers. A relative told me about Smorty and I signed up right away. I was so happy when they accepted me to be a blogger for them. It is easy to write for advertisers and provide links to their sites and I love getting paid for blogging. This has become my main job since I retired. I hope there are others of you out there who will read this and sign up to blog for Smorty. They are a reputable company and it sure helps me out and I enjoy it at the same time. It is one of the easiest jobs I have ever had.
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
If you ever think about insurance then you know you can't live without it.This website life insurance would be a great place to start your search. Medical costs are such that if you don't have insurance to cover them the hospitals don't realy want you there. Car repair is the same because the cost of labor is so high. Wether it's Warranty or accident insurance you need it. In order to get it you go online and check company prices to find one you can afford.It's slowly getting to the point where you can't afford to live and the tough part is you can't afford to die either. So what can we do between a rock and a hard place?
I'm being paid for this post.
I'm being paid for this post.
Monday, October 15, 2007
No Work Today
I can't believe it's still raining and we can't get into the fields. The bosses mother just told my friend that we probably won't work all this week because it's so wet. That's going to make for a short paycheck again next week. I hate it when that happens. I think the biggest thing to deal with will be the weather. If we get an early snow we could still be out there getting done. I certainly hope that doesn't happen this year.
Errand Time
I guess it's time for running errands because my friend just called and said let's go. I told her as soon as I finish this blog we will venture out of the house. I guess I better get it done and go get her and take her to the stores to shop while I do my errands too. It's not going to take very long because I spent almost all my money yesterday when we were there. I guess that doesn't matter because I still have to go and drive the car.
Beach Club In Hallandale BEach
Thinking about a condo on the beach then Beach Club is the place for you to check out. The best part of the whole thing is you can do it by checking out this website The Beach Club in Hallandale Beach and all you want to know will be waiting. There are three condominiums built on 9 acres of beach front property. Two buildings 44 stories with 10 condo on each floor and a 51 story with 12 per floor. Your choice of two bedroom 3 1/2 bath with a beach view or one bedroom with the intracoastal view. Granite countertops, marble floors in wet areas andfloor to ceiling windows. The kitchens european styling and appliances that will make you think you're in heaven. They're all just waiting for you to move in and enjoy everything they offer.
This post based on facts from bloggitive.
This post based on facts from bloggitive.
Just Three weeks
Just three weeks and things will be back to normal for me. The job I've been doing will be over and I'll be unemployed again. When that happens I can sit here at two in the morning because I won't have to get up at 6:00 A.M. and go to work. Climbing up into that semi tractor does start getting you back in shape. That's after the knees and arms stop hurting and you get used to it again. I don't know if I'm going to do it next year. I guess I'll have to wait and see how my legs are doing by then.
The local newspaper has been having trouble finding carriers in this area. So what did they do you say? They changed this route to a drive by instead of putting your paper in your mailbox they throw it out by the street. A flimsy plastic bag doesn't keep it dry when it's been raining for 2 days. I called them up and said you won't have to worry about a carrier delivering my paper because I quit. Several of my neighbors have quit too. Soon they won't need a paperboy because there won't be a route.
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Orlando Hotels
Summer vacation or spring break or maybe even Christmas time Orlando is waiting to show you the time of your life that you'll remember forever. Just go to this website Orlando Hotels and you can find everything you could want to make your trip to Orlando a great memory. Besides Hotel ther are fantastic resorts and vacation homes where you can stay. Disney is the big attraction but there are 52 other theme parks in the area. Don't forget beaches within a 40 minute drive and golf cources that wil please the most avid golfer. You say you've been to Orlando before a few years ago? then it's time to go back because of the changes Orlando has undergone. The theme park are constantly adding new attractions and rides because of very stiff competition to have the best.This is the year to check it out.
This post was based on facts from bloggitive.
This post was based on facts from bloggitive.
Passed the chance
My friend stopped today on his way to the Casino and asked if I wanted to go. Being a bachelor I had bedding to wash anf 50 other things to get done so I had to say no. I didn't really want to but I was up there last week and can't afford to many trips up there. I guess it wouldn't be so bad if you could win once in a while. Whenever I go I seem to donate to their cause and not mine.
They say it runs in the family but I've always wondered until now. I,m sitting here blogging at 1:38 in the morning and may be looking at 11 hours work in the morning. I guess I would have to say that could be insanity of sorts. Of course my friends all think I'm a little goofy anyway so I have a head start. Hey what can I say I enjoy doing it so I do but I could be a bit whacky. How do you tell for sure I don't know do you ?
Miami Heat tickets
If you're a sport fan that can travel to the big games then you need to go online at this website Miami Heat tickets to check out tickets. When you try to get them on your own they tell you that they're sold out or if you do get some you can be so far out you can't see the game. can fix you up with tickets not only to sporting events but Las Vegas shows and concerts and theater events nationwide.Just think about it you never have to worry about getting tickets again for anything. Think about how happy the wife will be to see those shows she's been missing because of ticket sellouts. How about a great comedy show to get you started.
This post based on facts fron bloggitive.
This post based on facts fron bloggitive.
Have You Ever?
Have you ever wondered how smart you would have to be to be the smartest person in the world. There are thousands or millions of really smart people in this world but each has his or her specialty and faults. You may be really smart in many things but there is always that one thing you never understood. Regardless how much you studied it the thing eluded you and you never figured out why. No problem iyt just means your not the smartest person. Just something to think about
Number 1 or 2
The local high school football team is tied for the playoffs. They have beaten the other team before but since that the other team has gotten their game together and have been kicking butt on the field. The local team lost a better player to knee injury so now anything can happen. I suffered some severe injuries as a kid and couldn't do sports so I really don't care who wins. The town is all wound up for it but it is just a game and playing in it is what counts. If you win the trophy that's the bonus.
Sea World Tickets
If you're going to orlando you must see Sea World but that's not all. Before you leave check out this website Sea World Tickets for the opportunity to make your trip to Orlando the best ever. They have discounted tickets to everything you can imagine. If Disney has it you can get discount tickets. The same goes for Dinner Theaters and Universal Studios not to mention Sea World and the Kennedy Space Center. Everything is in your reach to make your vacation trip to Orlando an adventure you'll never forget and want to do again next year. Our doors and website are always open so drop in and check it out for yourself.
This post based on facts from bloggitive.
This post based on facts from bloggitive.
I went shopping at K-Mart today and bought a sweatshirt. It has a hood and is pile lined for warmth. With all the rain and bad things going on outside it"s starting to get chilly in here.I thought it would be a good time to try the shirt and it feels great. This winter out blowing snow the hood will keep it from going down my neck. I guess the best part was the 40% off sale so it was really cheap.
Nuts To You.
While I was at the store today I saw a display of nuts.Nutcracker brand deluxe mixed no peanuts. I just had to have some and to my suprise a 21 ounce can was only $4.99 so I grabbed a can. Then I saw whole cashews too and grabbed a can of those too. You will probably find this hard to believe but I'm sitting blogging and eating fresh opened nuts and they are great. I've had nutcracker brand before and like them but was suprised at the can size. It's almost twice as big as the ones I usually get.
Blue Lotus
Over decades and even centuries ther have been people living in various parts of the world that have known of Ethnobotanical plants with healing powers. Blue Lotus, Morning Glory,Hawaiian BabyWoodrose are a few. Amanita muscaria is about the oldest known entheogen which means becomming devine within. To be better educated in the organic herb world you just have to take time and check this website blue lotus for yourself. there's incense and meditation products plus seeds to produce your own herbal carried only the highest quality products. They not only purchased their own land in Hawaii to raise their plants but only purchase from suppliers that are ethical in all aspects of their business. Ones that don't steal crops from rainforests or protected lands. This sometimes adds to the cost but produces a better grade of product.
This post based on facts from bloggitive.
This post based on facts from bloggitive.
Shopping Again
When it rains and I don't work my friend thinks that means I take her shopping. Which I usually do but this time it took longer to get going because I did work I had to do at home first. We got most everything done even though we didn't start until 2:30 and most stores close at 5;00. One thing I got for myself was a hooded sweatshirt that is pile lined and really warm for winter wear. Just a couple more things to get and I'll be ready for that white stuff we don't talk about but we know it's comming.
Roads and Weather
Why is everyone you see today in such a big hurry? Even in rainy weather and slippery roads they drive like their late for life or a big meeting.I've had drivers pull out in front of me and about run me off the road because they are in a hurry.After they run you off the road they pull into a coffee shop and get coffee and a doughnut and back on the road eating and not watching the other guy. When an accident happens they say he came out of nowhere and hit me spilling my coffee in my lap. Maybe they even bit their lip chewing the doughnut. I don' know, Do you?
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Moving Relocation Services
The boss just told you you're needed at another plant half way across the country. You think what am I going to do about moving there and who do I hire to do it. Service network has a network of reputable companies than can make your move for you. This Site Moving Relocation Services is where you can find all the information you need. All of the moving companies in the network have passed the test to qualify as the best. Insurance and licenses are all in order and trained personel that handle your belongings as if they were theirs. You can get connected with network movers to help you as they have over 50,000 customers just this year. Pre-negotiated discounts are a possibility too. So quit worring about moving because services network will take care of all your needThis post based on facts from blogitive.
Not Rain Again
We just got rolling good from the last rain and now it's comming down again. That means if the combine gets repaired we still can't work because of the muddy fields. I don't know but I would say that we have had more rain this harvest than before. We have always had some but not day after day. We were of 5 days the last 2 weeks during harvest and it really hurt the paycheck. This is the only work I do during the year so more hours the better for me.
Truck Wreck
The news tonight told of a truck wreck in a tunnel that killed at least 2 but nobody knows how many were really involved. They said many trucks plowed into the one ahead of them and some were on fire. I'm a retired trucker and have seen many bad wrecks out there on the nations highways. An example would be the bridge colapse in Minneapolis where several died. I saw one where a overpass bridge fell just a week after it was completed and a pickup was under it. There's alot of very horrible stories out there.
Online University
You say you would like to improve your education with a degree from college but you have to work full time with a family? There's an answer with online university from Columbia Southern University programs and schedules. The first thing you must do is check this site online university to get further information. Wether you're a policeman, firefighter or in the military or just working full time they can arrange a program to fit your schedule. You can get a degree in human resource management or business administration. They are the first totally online university to offer these programs for a bachelor degree and both graduate and post graduate programs to further your education. It's your life and your schedule we program around it to help you better yourself.
This post based on facts from blogitive.
This post based on facts from blogitive.
You know when someone spends a quarter million dollars for a piece of equipment it shouldn't break down. That's what happened today when the combine went down after 4 weeks work. We got the rest of the day off but it may not be fixed tomorrow even. I guess that's no big deal since they predict rain Sunday and Monday and we won't be able to work anyway. You know a day off is a fun time but not when the work isn't done and you're off because of breakdown.
After my wife passed away I met a woman whose husband died a week later and we talked about it. They were both in the Hospice unit here the last day of their lives in rooms that were right next door to one another. The woman and I didn't even meet there but 10 months later in a store in town. We talked for hours over the next few days and figure we passed each other several times that day my wife died and didn't realise it. Life gets really funny sometimes because next Saturday will 8 years since we met.
Infidelity Report
If you're single and dating then you have friends that always have someone just right for you. To get the information you need to check out this website Infidelity Support because you can check on wether a man is what he says. This site is for women that have had bad relationships time and time again. How do you know if a guy will treat you right or even be kind and gentle towards you. Some are great up front but are abusive and cheaters when you get to know them. Having a bases to make your judgements from is something every woman needs because bad relationships are every where waiting in the dark. We try to give you a light to see your way before you leap. Abused women and children are helped by donations from Woman Savers. Statistics of abusive and what to look for in a man that cheats are offered to help women keep from making that fatal mistake. Check it out it could be the means to the end you've been looking for.
This post is based on facts from blogitive.
This post is based on facts from blogitive.
Friday, October 12, 2007
Corporations 101
I know there is a lot to turning your business into a corporation, but where do you start? I know there are many forms to fill out and I found out you can get free forms online. All you need to do is go to this online website company minutes and they will help you with all the forms you need. You have to adopt bylaws too, so I am told. You can go to this website and get a whole set of documents for only $20-$25. They also have the lowest price for corporate kits. A very important part of setting up a corporation is making sure that you plan for an annual stockholders meeting where everyone can discuss what is going on in the corporation and the stockholders have some input into the business. You also have to be sure and take a good set of Minutes from the stockholders meeting as the IRS is going to require them from you. For everything you need to know about incorporating, check into this online website and they can help you with it all. They have the answers to all your questions and you can check out the answers right there online.

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I am being paid for this post.
What a Day!
What a day. I put in 11 1/2 hours in the semi today hauling corn to the elevator. It is a good paying job, it just doesn't last long enough. We are about half done and will probably get done by the end of the month. There is rain in the forecast again for Sunday and Monday and that isn't good for harvesting. The fields get too muddy if the rain keeps up. Then we get a strong wind and it dries off pretty fast. That is a good thing it does.
The Perfect Gift for An Employee
I live right here near the State Park beach and boy would I love to have my employer give me a pink bike. It would be great for my daughter to ride on the sandy beach here and on many of the beaches nearby. I would even ride it. I think it would be a great gift to all employees for an economical price. Check out their website and order one for yourself. You can't beat the prices.

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I am being paid for this post.
Monday, October 8, 2007
Time Flys
That's what everybody says is when you're having fun time flys. Time is going pretty fast right now since I should be in bed getting sleep for work tomorrow if we don't get rain. Rain isn't all that bad because I got to spend the day with my best friend and we went shopping in Minnesota. She didn't buy much and I didn't either but the day was great and we laughed and had a great time and that's what it's all about.
Why? Why? Why?
If you ever thought about people saying why me did you ever wondered what they meant? I've said it myself many times during my life, Why Me? Usually I was talking to God and wondering How many people had it easy since I was taking all the pain and mental torment trying to get through with something left. My wife had cancer and the out of pocket co-pay ate up what little savings we had. When I retired it was only Social security I had to look forward to and God knew that wouldn't be enough to get by. I work part time driving semi hauling corn through harvest time and that clears me to start the winter even with the board.Legswise I can't take more than 5 to 6 weeks of work where I have to climb into a truck but I get it done. I found a new outlet called blogging and have made a few dollars at it. If I continue to make money doing this I won't have to do the heavy stuff anymore. So I think God is saying if you hang in there and keep trying he will lead you in the right direction and it will be good.
Tampa Lap Band
In the world of weight loss stomach stapling is a thing of the past. No more worries about internal infections and slow healing. Highly skilled surgeons at a network of specialised facilities operated by Journey Lite found at this website Tampa Lap band has reduced the necessary surgery to the absolute minimum. Through a laproscopic procedure they incert an adjustable band around your stomach an reduce your capacity for food. With no staples and very small incisions the healing process is much faster and weight loss is assured. This procedure can even be reversed if it has to be and without the major cutting and stapling you can have it done on an outpatient basis. Weight loss doesn't get easier or faster or safer than this anyway you look at it.
This post was based on facts from blogitive.
This post was based on facts from blogitive.
Dancing With The Stars
This is on of my favorite shows these days. I like action shows and my friend loves romance and disney show without any shooting and killing. When I'm home alone I watch what I like and she does the same at her house but when we are both here she wins. Right now dancing with the stars is on and I'm missing out because we both like this one. Dancing just won the toss, Goodbye.
Emortgage from Enconia
Using a new format called SMARTDoc Encomia is revolutionizing the mortgage business. By using SMARTDocs they can store all the figures without all of those stacks of paperwork. Take a minute now and just by going to this site electronic mortgage you can get a firsthand look at how it's done and how easy it makes purchases and sales of property. The SMARTDoc format can save lenders and bankers thousands of dollars in documentation of all the paperwork needed to do the deal. This creates a new milestone for the electronic markets. Several Major lenders have processes and standards that will be fully automated and the final closing much easier.
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I'm being paid for this post.
Albert Lea, Minn.
Albert Lea is only 45 miles north of here but there different stores that have things we can't get here. Some things we can get here are cheaper than here and some are alot cheaper. Whatever your reason the trip out of town for a few hours is worth it. I took my very good friend with me and we stopped at the Casino on the way back and played the slots. I even had enough points built up for dinner at Burger King. Fun was had by all.
Hotel Reservations
Boy would I like to get off work and take a real trip to Orlando or Las Vegas or maybe even Mexico or Europe. But where do you start to find a good hotel that won't cost you an arm and a leg. Well my sister suggested I get on this great online website Hotel Reservations and they would have everything I need for a great hotel and at great prices too. You can even look up cheap hotels or if you feel like splurging and spending a few bucks you can get a luxury hotel with several rooms, a pool and all the amenities you want. A well-stocked bar with snacks could be a great thing to have too. Not only will they help you with the hotel of your choice but they can help you no matter whether it is in this country or another country. They are also very helpful and have wonderful customer service that will help you get your flight lined up. And if you need a rental car, they can do that for you too. I was thinking maybe a cruise wouldn't be so bad either and they can set me up with a cruise too and help me fit it into my budget. You can save as much as 70% off on your reservations in some cases and you can also contact them on a toll-free 800 phone number.I am really excited about making up my mind where I want to go and then getting started planning with them.
They even have vacation packages so I can get it altogether in a package. Sounds good to me. If you are thinking of a trip, get online and look into a hotel with them and much more. The folks at work have been talking about taking a trip together and they can make arrangements for that too and you can really get a break on the prices of a cruise if you get a group together. I think everyone should checking into them first before trying any other website, don't you?

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They even have vacation packages so I can get it altogether in a package. Sounds good to me. If you are thinking of a trip, get online and look into a hotel with them and much more. The folks at work have been talking about taking a trip together and they can make arrangements for that too and you can really get a break on the prices of a cruise if you get a group together. I think everyone should checking into them first before trying any other website, don't you?
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Shopping Day
We are going shopping today over the line in the next state. It is isn't very far and we want to see a couple new stores there and see what we can find for bargains. It is a beautiful day to get out and take a short road trip in my van. My friend is as anxious as I am to get shopping and take a mini vacation from working hard the last few days.
Sunday, October 7, 2007
Remember when you bought that candy bar or bag of chips for from the machine in the lunchroom? That could well have been a Vendstar 3000 manufactured by multivend. The really good thing is that it could be yours and you could have your own vending business.Go to this website multivend and you can find out how easy to be in business for yourself. Think about it wherever you go you see the machines that people are getting snacks from and they could be yours. Think to about joining 9,ooo other venders with unlimited opportunities for expansion. With a profit margin of nearly 80% in an all cash business there is no limit to the benefits. Don't forget besides snacks the gumballs and toys for the kids. There's no limit to what the machines can vend to keep your business on top of the profit scale.Multivend is a serious business for serious minded people who want to get ahead with their own business.
This post was based on facts from bloggitive.
This post was based on facts from bloggitive.
More Rain
The way it's going we will never get done harvesting the corn. Starting at 7:45 this morning we hauled until 1:00 before the rain shut us down again. I like 10 hour days but 1 to 6 hours leave a little to be desired. The field is like soup now and more comming until tomorrow night. If we get all that they say we're going to then so goes the paycheck. Oh well we will have to work into November again this year I guess.
Saturday, October 6, 2007
Presents For Guys
If you have a special fellow in your life and he has a special day comming up you need a great gift for I have just the thing for you. You first must go to this website gifts for him and check out all the hundreds of gifts that would please any man. Especially the do it yourselfers who need a place to work. Help him turn a common garage into a super shop. Cabinets and flooring, racks and shelves to start off with. Plus every shop needs a workbench and refrigerator for soda's. Make this your first stop before you buy.
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Im being paid for this post.
Friday, October 5, 2007
Long Days
Twelve and a quarter hours yesterday and eleven and a quarter today. I'm really getting tired since I don't work the rest of the year. I'm not used to working quite so hard or so long hours everyday. The best part is if it doesn't rain they harvest 7 days a week for at least 2 weeks then take a Sunday off. Everyone is happy for a rain day once in a while. You would too if you were hauling.
Fire Fighting
I was hauling corn today and on my way back to the field I had a new experience. When I got to the corner where I had to turn there was a car sitting there smoking. The driver ran to my truck and asked for my extinguisher which I gave him and he put the fire out. Later his van was still setting at the corner but on the side of the road. I was happy I could help him out. I keep hearing about car wiring burning up but never seen any doing it until today.
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
HD Stock Video Library
Through the years there has been mile upon mile of good HD films taken that were never published and shown to the public. Professional cinematographers, Independent filmakers news broadcasts to name a few produce great high definition film footage for release to independent companies to use in their businesses as they see fit. To find out more go to this site HD Stock Video Library and you will find everything you need to know about submitting your film footage for sale. Now the film that wasn't needed and concidered leftover is valuable. Once it is purchased then then the purchaser can use it for what ever they want where ever they want worldwide. The film maker is happy too because film that was on the shelf became valuable again. Dealing only with high definition film the producers of good HD film have a new outlet for their work.
This post was based on facts from blogitive.
This post was based on facts from blogitive.
Fall Season
I love the fall season except for the fact all my big expenses come due. I mean Car License,Property Taxes, Insurance, and several others. That's why I'm so glad I can still drive semi for 6 weeks because it brings in enough to pay all of them. If I would quit worring about not being good enough on the computer I would try some of the money making offers and maybe not have to climb in an out of trucks anymore. Stranger things have happened just not to me. That doesn't mean it won't though.
Holiday Cheer All Year
The holidays are knocking on our doors and we are already wondering where the extra money is coming from. Think about shopping online for your family this year. Then go to this website online shopping and you will find coupon ideas to save you money so you can get the more expensive gifts you were thinking about. There is Target coupons, Sear's coupons even Staples coupons codes to satisfy every shopper. I can't forget my favorite Best Buy deals or coupon codes to help me get the electronics I really want. They're easy to download and the more you can save the better products you can afford. Not only savings from the coupons but most of the online stores ship free to your door so what more can you ask for. Start making out your lists and go online for those big coupon savings because Santa could use a little help this year. Coupon Chief is Santa's best helper and you'll agree once you've tried it.
Drying Out
The fields are drying out and we're back to work in the morning. With luck we'll get 11 hours in and maybe again Friday. It will really help with the harvest time but the main thing is that old paycheck. Several 11 hour day in a week can pay alot of bills you can't pay otherwise. Since I'm retired this is a big time for me amd a couple of the other drivers too. There's three of us that are retired and on limited incomes. Help us out folks and don't pray for rain until the corn is in.
Inovative Tutoring
The main thing in my life growing up was a good education. My parents saw to it and when I had a family I saw to it my children got the tutoring they needed to excel in all grades. My wife felt the same way. If you want the best for your child check this website Innovative Tutor for help. Score Learning Centers have learning programs and a qualified staff of educators to tutor your children and show you how you can do it. In this day of computerized everything ignorance just can't be accepted even in the smallest job position. If your child needs help in bringing up their grades then please for their sake check out this site.

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I'm being paid for this post.
My good friend has her own Salon and is the best in the business because she was trained by the very best stylists. She can just look at a picture in a magazine and if she thinks it would look good on you she'll style your's just like the picture. I must say I've known several hair dressers but none with this womans talent. She has been in the business over 40 years and knows things others only wish they could do. My biggest problem is she tells me I need a haircut and beard trim and then I wait for another 2 weeks until she can't stand it. I sometimes trim my own beard but the hair needs special care because there isn't much left.
Reading Tutors
In this day and age there is to many people running around who can't read well. Plus the number of people who can't read at all is outrages. Your child need more than that if they don't read well. My wife and I saw to it they got the tutoring needed to better their lives. This site Reading Tutors is somewhere you can get the tutoring help for your child. They are highly qualified and their staff members are the best. We never hold back when it comes to the best in education for our children and you shouldn't either.

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I'm being paid for this post.
Today I had two friends stop over and visit me. I haven't seen them for several weeks and we had a great time. The older of the two had a really good friend die and needed some friends to talk to so he chose us. We may not hav been the greatest choice he could have made but we've always been there for one another. You have to look a long time to find something better than a good friend. I remember how much I needed them when my wife died several many years ago. If you have a good friend you haven't seen or talked to for a while give them a call just to say hello.
Math Tutors
If you have children from ages 4 to 14 ask them to make change for a dollar. Some children need extra help grasping mathematics and a lot of jobs are working in stores making change. If the regesrer doesn't tell them what it is they don't know. This Site Math Tutors should be your first stop on the way to helping your child. As a parent that helped tutor my own children I know math is a real need in their lives and for yours too. So be sure if nothing else give them the best education you can.

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I'm being paid for this post.
No Harvest Today
Well with all the rain we got yesterday we can't get into the fields to pick corn. I really hate it when that happens but my bad knee says thank you. With the extra time off I seem to be walking a little better than yesterday. The pain is about the same when I go up and down stairs but that happens. When we get done the legs should be up to par again or at least as good as before. This is what I'm really hoping for so I can get around better.
Insurance Brokers
When you need insurance do you shop around or take your friends suggestions on which is best. This site insurance company should be the first place you visit. When you're sick you want another oppinion so why not with insurance. At Secure Insurance Quotes you get all that and
more. They help find what the best insurance for you needs is and provide it for you. From New York to California we can help. Life, Cars, health, Home owners, no matter what your insurance needs are we have you covered.
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more. They help find what the best insurance for you needs is and provide it for you. From New York to California we can help. Life, Cars, health, Home owners, no matter what your insurance needs are we have you covered.
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Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Time to Play
I think I'll take an hour or two and drive up to the Casino north of town. I enjoy playing the slot machines and don't get to carried away.I've had a couple lucky days in the last year and left with more than I went with but not that often. I don't really worry about it because I enjoy doing it and it relaxes me to play the games.
Rest and Relaxation
I think it's time to get outside and breathe some fresh after a rain air.Once the rain settles the dust from the harvest machines the air seem much fresher. Since I have trouble breathing anyway it really does me some good. Even the pollen count goes way down after a rain and people with alergies can breathe better too. I guess you don't think about breathing because it is a natural function. When you can't breathe well you really know what a gift you have with good lungs.
Home Medical
We all know that all medical needs don't require doctors care but for the ones that do you have a friend in your corner. Alegro have one of the largest medical supply companies in the United States and independently owned. With 55,000 products to choose from for testing to treating. With hundreds of sub-categories brabching off of over 50 main categories they have everything covered. The next time you're on your computer the very first thing you should do is to check this website home medical for more detailed information. You'll find everything from baby's needs to blood pressure testing supplies.Even exercise equipment and nutritional supplements for your good health and fitness.
This post is based on information from bloggitive.
This post is based on information from bloggitive.
Baby Showers
I don't remember there being so many baby showers years ago. I guess the girls just never talked about them in front of us guys. It seems like everytime you turn around someone you is having a shower, either baby or wedding. I know my friend and sisters have attended several in the last month. I guess I'm glad it's more a woman thing and I don't have to go to them. I can find enough things to keep me busy for a long long time. I have longer honey do lists then when I was married.
Catch Up Time
The rain has taken over the harvest so I can mess with my computer and play catch up. I have several blogs to take care of and tons of email to answer.I guess it's a case of not knowing how many people you know until you are gone for a couple days. When you get back the supprise is waiting to pounce on you like a wild beast. I guess you can only go one at a time and answer and delete it. as the list shrinks down you get the feeling you know to many people with computers. Hang in there Bunky.
Monday, October 1, 2007
Cancun Vacations
Planning your Cancun vacation you should remember one word,"Karisma". Karisma has 5 unmatched luxury resort hotels on beautiful white sand beaches for your every pleasure. Two of which are Adult only and the others are family friendly.This website Cancun Vacation is your first stop on your way to paradise. They also have the first stress free resort in the world. From spas for your pampering to fantastic meal prepared with market fresh ingredients and fresh baked bread. You will see buffets but only for the children to enjoy. All meals will be prepared gourmet style and served with the great wines from Argentina's Mendosa Valley. You must check the website for all of the details and particulars but I must tell you it's well worth the trip.
This post based on facts from bloggitive.
This post based on facts from bloggitive.
Comming into town with a semi full of corn I called my friend and asked if she would like to ride along. She was thrilled to go with in a big rig. It isn't that big a deal to me after 50 years in the trucking business as a driver and an owner opperator. I have always loved trucking and can't picture myself doing anything else. I have a daughter that loved it too and now has over 20 years driving a truck. I guess the nut didn't fall far from the tree.
Pain To Live with
I started hauling corn out of the fields this week and my bad knees are giving me fits. The right one has been replaced with one made of steel but the other one needs replacing badly the doctor says. I want to wait until after harvest is over because the money earned during harvest time helps me get through the winter months. I'll get it fixed as soon as I can do it without interferring with my income.
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