Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Buckets of Snow

The snow is coming down in buckets. It looks like a blizzard. My sister went to the local drug store to get medicine for her husband who has caught a cold. She said when she came out of their driveway onto the highway, the tire pressure light went on. So she stopped at the place they got their tires, and the guy filled up all 4 tires. 2 were down 10 lbs and 2 were down 5 lbs. It pays to check your tires with this changing weather from below zero to above zero and back again. Now the sun looks like it is trying to come out and the snow is over and the wind is starting to blow. It think there may be enough moisture in this snow to keep it on the ground or we will have a ground blizzard the rest of the day. Tomorrow may bring more snow. When is this ever going to end????

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