Thursday, July 3, 2008

Dogs Verses Cats

I am a cat lover and one big reason is the company they give me. They don't have to be taken for walks and pretty much take care of themselves. I in turn pit up with a lot of cat hair during shedding seasons. My friend has dogs and they to are great company but she has to let them out 10 times a day and then clean up after them. The dogs she has don't shed so they have to be groomed every 5 to 6 weeks or their hair gets to long. The groomer she goes to does not have a good conection with the little one and he tries to bite her. Today he nipped her finger and she hit her head on the stand that holds the grooming shears. She was all upset but she has been grooming him for years and knows how he is. Maybe she should try a different profession.

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