Thursday, June 3, 2010

Digital Assets

We are all looking for more and better ways to keep in touch with our families. We know how much it means to us to get photos from relatives and friends. They tell us where they have been on vacations and it is almost like being there with them. It is easy to keep up with the way their families are growing. I have wanted to do the same but I was not sure how to go about it. I was checking around on the Internet and found 123Print. I would allow me to send my pictures of my trips and vacations out to all my family and friends. But what I really like about it is that you can edit your pictures. You know so many turn out with red eyes and you can edit that and you can crop the parts of the pictures you would rather not have them see, perhaps. I like to be able to organize them in such a way they can tell where the pictures were taken, whether it is away or near your home. You can share with the MAPS application. It is really easy to upload them from my computer and enclose them in emails. My sister does that alot. I need something that is easy. I found out I could even upload photos from my camera phone. Another great feature is the privacy feature so you can just share your photos with whomever you wish, not the whole world. In addition, they have all kinds of photos you can use if you like to make your own cards. That is a big asset.

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