Thursday, July 26, 2012
Hot Weather
It has been just too darn hot for anyone. The heat index has been over 100 for days. You can hardly go outside without breaking into an immediate sweat. It does not do my breathing any good either. I just want to stay inside where it is air conditioned and watch TV. Or taking a nap seems like a good idea on days like these. I sure don't like the idea of running a bunch of errands outside on such hot days. We are supposed to cool down some but so far it has only been about 5 or 6 degrees over yesterday. Hope tomorrow is cooler.
Saturday, July 21, 2012
No Big Deal
If your doctor says, you need a colonoscopy don't sweat it. The worst part is drinking a gallon of liquid that tastes like Alka Selser with salt in it. You have to do this at 15 minutes intervals and must drink 8 onces each time. You have a 4 liter jug full so you don't run out. After drinking a little over half of it the bathroom visits start. This all starts at 6:30 the night before the procedure. About 9:00 you are to busy doing other things to be drinking. If you're lucky you can catch a nap fo an hour, maybe even an hour and a half. Then at about 1:00 you start drinking again until it's gone following the 15 minute schedule. You can't drink anything after 3:00 A.M. and you have to be at trhe hospital to check in at around 6:00 at least. They sedate you do the procedure and bring you out of the sedation. The thing is make sure there's somebody to help catch you when you fall. You're woozy but don't realize it until you lean to far one way. I landed on my elbow and it's swollen and bruised bad. I must have thought that was fun because after I got home I tried it again only this it was the other elbow. When I hit I peeled the hide off almost the whole elbow and did it bleed. Well unless they found something drastically wrong in there I don't plan on ever repeating the procedure again.
Friday, July 20, 2012

Kids can have fun anywhere any time. Here are my sister's great grandkids having a cold treat on a hot day. Their Mom made these popsicles at home with something new. I am told that you just pour in the mix and in a few minutes they are frozen. Wish we had something like that when we were kids. It is so easy.
Saturday, July 14, 2012
Loveland, Colorado

Here is a beautiful view near Loveland, Colorado. It is the 2nd picture. I used to go to Colorado when I was young. I wish I could make another trip there to see those beautiful mountains. My sister got to go with her kids to her grandson's wedding. She took lots of great pictures of the mountains. I wish I could have been there too.
Also here's a view of Estes Park, Colorado. Beautiful place.
Sunday, July 8, 2012
Finally !!!
Here in northern Iowa we've had some 100 degree weather for several weeks. The temps have finally cooled off about 15 degrees and what a difference. The farmers are facing drought conditions in the fields. The Lord saw fit to bless me with bad lungs and the hot weather about does me in. It's kind of a game with me with heat and humidity. Sometimes the heat doesn't bother me so much and others it kills me to be outside. The humidity is another problem because one day low humidity is great and the next high humidity is easier to breathe. You don't know until you walk out the door and try it. If it's to bad you go back into the house with the AC running and wait until late afternoon and hope it cools off enough to breathe. I really hate to say it but winter months are a little bit better at least for me. I still don't go outside on bad days.
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
4th of July
The 4th of July will be different for me this year. I will be spending my evening preparing for a colonoscopy the next day. That isn't any fun. We like to walk aways from home and can watch the fireworks very well from there. I guess I have seen a lot of fireworks in my life but it is always fun just the same. I never get tired of watching them.
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