Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Now That's Pain

It snowed here last and we got about 2 1/4 inches. I got ready to go outside and do battle with it with my trusty snowblower. On the way out to get it I stopped to take my broom and clean off my car since I don't have a garage. Would you believe there was ice waiting for me lurking under that fresh snow. Sure enough I stepped on it and both feet went flying. I went down backwards and landed hard on my back and the back of my head. What a beating I had to take from that ice patch and couldn't do anything about it. Managing to get to my feet I proceded to get the blower out of my storage shed, After removing all the necessary snow needed to get out of the drive I remembered the ice. I got my revenge by spreading ice melt salt all over it and took away it's power over me. Everything will be great as soon as this headache gets over with.

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