Wednesday, January 30, 2008
One More Time
I'm sitting here thinking I should go to bed but I still have one more post to do that could waituntil tomorrow. Then I think you know if I do it now I can sleep just a little later in the morning. THEN, I remember my friend asked me to do several errands for her that need doing and she won't have time for it. Guess what I said I guess I can do them for you forgetting that I'll have to get out of bed to do them. Sooo guess what, I'm going to bed mainly because I made a promise and I need to get up anyway even if I don't really want to. Goodnight to all, ME.
Good Job Done
When you have a lot of work to do you can get all uptight. Then when it's all done the relief is really a good feeling. Well I feel good because a good job is done and I think I'll go get some sleep now. I don't know what the problem was last night but I didn't sleep very well. Legs hurt and then when they quit my cat decided to sleep across my knees and that didn't help. When I did get to sleep I would wake up every hour and not be able to get back to sleep. When I finally got some sleep I woke up about 3 1/2 hours later feeling like someone beat me severly about the head and shoulders. The bad part was all I drank all night was water. Maybe I could have slept better with a shot of ginger brandy.
Voip Center Phone Systems
You say your business needs a phone system and you can't wait forever to get it installed, no problem. Xpander Communications Nimbus Voip phone systems are just what you're looking for. They can be installed and running in 7 days and at a far less investment that used to be required. To see what I mean check this website Call Center VoIP Phone Systems and you can see for yourself how easy it is.Before lots of major work had to be done to the building to install the system. Today that has not only changed but if you need to add or move the system you don't need maintainence or labor contracts to do it. Besides the easier installation and maintainence the overall cost of the phone system you want will leave you with way more money still in your bank account. The Voit Phone System is by far the faster, more efficient and cost efficient system on the market available today.
This post was based on information from blogitive.
This post was based on information from blogitive.
Blogger Are I
Like I said I are a blogger. I guess that's what you call me because I enjoy blogging. It really gives me something to do that I can't hurt myself doing so that's good. The other thing it earns me a few dollars at times when I could really use it to pay my creditors. Well I guess when you consider the ulternitive getting old really isn't that bad because you're still breathing. The biggest thing about getting old is you don't have as many people depending on you so you can relax.
Winterfest In February
Buddy Holly, The Big Bopper And Richie Valens were killed in the crash of a small plane in Clear Lake, Iowa back in the late 50's. Every year they have a celebration at the Curf ballroom where they played their last show. Well this weekend is the start of the fun. This year Diamond Joes Casino decided to have a tribute too so that just got over. It's really to bad because it's all about money and not music.
Denver Magazine
I lived in Denver a good many years ago and it's been a while since I've been back to visit relation. The Denver Magazine is the magazine you need to bring you up to date on Denvers appeal. The citizens of Denver are beautiful people inside and out much like fashon models. Starting with Spas and salons for the outerbody and health clubs and activities for the inner conditioning. There are high end Boutiques for fashion and the latest trends and styles. There are brewerys and wineries to appeal to the most sensitive of palates. Denver moves quickly as you will see by their need for speed like fast cars, airplanes even motorcycles. The Denver Magazine has it all covered so you'll know where to look for everything you want to find. This website Denver Magazine can fill you in on even more details of a great magazine about one of the countrys most beautiful citys in a most beautiful mountain setting.
This post was based on information from blogitive.
This post was based on information from blogitive.
Las Vegas Shows
When most people go to Las Vegas they return to see what they missed. When they arrive they don't know where to start. The place to start is in your own home. This website Las Vegas Shows is the jumping off point for the time of your lives.We love Las Vegas and love to show her off to every visitor so when they plan on coming back the first thing they is contact us. Rather than search everywhere let us supply you with a hand picked selection of everything that's the best. I'm saying the best hotels, nightclubs, vegas tours, and local intertainment shows and all at the very best prices you'll find anywhere. We can turn your short stay with us into the most pleasurable experience you'll ever have and assure that you will return for more. We are the best because we don't do things half way we go all out for your vacation pleasure.
This post was based on information from blogitive.
This post was based on information from blogitive.
Short Break
Jay Leno has an animal trainer on his TV late show and he is showing off some wolves and foxes and some medium size cats, The wolf he has is 10 months old and already weighs 125 pounds. I think he saud 200 by the time he's full grown. It was a timberwolf and a real beautiful animal. After that he brought out a grizzly bear about half grown. I think it would be fun to help feed and train these animals.
Wasted Youth
You probably heard the old saying that youth is wasted on the young. You say if only I could go back to a certain time and know what I know now boy would my life be different. I would spend more time studying and getting the best education I could then I would already know what I should instead of wondering why a 10 year old knows it and I don't. Hindsight is always 20--20 and that will never change. You can cry forever over spilled milk but when you're done you still have to clean it up.
Miami Heat Tickets
One of the biggest things a real sports lover has to face is where to get tickets to the games they really want to see. If you have tried this you know most of the time their sold out or you get top row in the far corner of the stadium. This website Miami Heat Tickets is the place you go for tickets for anything you want. Las Vegas Shows, or comedy performances to major league ball games they have tickets for all. When you have a n event you want to attend first check with Premium Seats USA for the best ticket selection you'll find anywhere. Concerts or ballgames these aren't cheap seats but premium seats located right where you want to sit for the best view. Instead of worrying about tickets try checking here first and sit back and relax doing what you enjoy most.
This post was based on information from blogitive.
This post was based on information from blogitive.
Big Weekend Coming
Holy Mackeral it's Super Bowl time again. Seems like it was just last year about this time they had one and now their doing it again. I always buy a number in the pool that always goes around or even 2 but I just can't seem to win anything at it. I was the kid that doctors wouldn't let take any sports in school because of injuries from an accident so about all I watch with any thrill is the super bowl. Then to I do enjoy a good baseball game too.
Who Will Win?
That's the question of the year and nobody knows for sure who will win or even if it will be the right choice. We always seem to get to a place where we have a choice of the lesser of two evils and nobody needs that. All politicians swear they will make the world a better place to live for everyone. When it comes down to the basic facts nobody can say that with any truth to it. They can say anything they want to but without the hundreds of other congress members going along with their decisions they can't do squat. Hey that's all we have now so what do we get a different type or what?
Medtronic Lawyer
Medical treatment of heart problems have experienced some of the best progress with pacemakers and defibillators. With this progress the Sprint quattro leads are being replaced with the Sprint fedelis leads in their defibrillators. There has been a problem with the leads cracking and causing extra unnessary shocks given to the heart. Four of the fedelis leads have been recalled and some lawsuits are pending. Check this website Medtronic lawyer if you have had a defibrillator implanted to see if your leads are on the recall list. The failure rate between the Sprint Quattro leads 6947 was 10 times less than the Sprint fedelis leads 6949 so if you have been implanted with a defibrillator check with your doctor for information on which leads they used. The website shown above can give you all the information you need just click on it.
This post was based on information from blogitive.
This post was based on information from blogitive.
Background Noise
I enjoy being in here playing with the old Pute but the house gets so quiet at times I can't stay awake so I leave the TV on for background noise. My two cats lay on the desktop on a blanket or on the floor and sleep so their not much for conversation. I've been a widower for going on 10 years now and realy I like the quiet empty space. Not that I don't like people because I do especially the female type and I have several male friends I enjoy hanging with for a beer. I guess that comes with the age bracket I'm in. I really do enjoy life as long as it's my way without being told what to and what not to do.
Get - R - Done
I was home all day yesterday and most of today and didn't get as much accomplished as I wanted To. I've been planning shelves in my little bedroom in the front of my two bedroom mobile home. I'm planning on converting the small bedroom into an office where I can play with my computer and have a twin size bed so if I get tired I can just go to bed.Of course the bathroom and kitchen is down the hall so I would have to leave the room once in a while. Being a slow mover with leg problems and lung problems I don't do a lot of things at once or in record time like the old days. I did get 6 wall brackets and three shelves up even at that. I still have 5 more shelves to go before I can say I got anything really accomplished.
O Premium Water
If you're drinking the purist water in the world then you're drinking opremium water. If not you should be because of their 10 step purification process that makes it the highest quality purified water in the world.In Arizona for bottled water delivery they are the largest plus rapidly spreading their purified water delivery all over the world. This website o premium waters can give you all the details you could want on bottled water delivery to your home or business. If you drink tea, vitamin sport drinks, juice or premium coffee's you'll be able to get them on demand with the newly develoved Esio Beverage System all made with the purist water you can get. These systems will be available free to all their accounts now active. This system is gauranteed to save you money with every serving and will be available worldwide by June 08. You say you drink bottled water now but if you want the best and purist water you can buy then check out the website above.
This post was based on information provided by blogitive.
This post was based on information provided by blogitive.
TV Dinners
You know what time it is I guess it's time to get supper. I didn't realize I was starting to get hungry so better eat something. That's why I always keep a few TV dinners in the freezer. They are fast and easy and I think better than they were years ago. They also give you quite a tasty variety of food choices. I'm a meat and potatoes kind of guy and they have some good ones. I think tonight it'll be chicken fried steak and mashed potatoes with corn. Well that's it I'm hungry so got to go, BYE.
Well, What's Next?
Monday was a beautiful day with temps at 40 degrees and 38 the day before. Yesterday it was -2 degrees with a wind chill of 40 below zero so what about that? Today 6 degrees and very little wind with hopes of 14 tomorrow and maybe 28 by the end of the week. I walked out the door twice yesterday and was so cold after a few minutes I couldn't wait to get back inside. Everyone keeps telling me getting old is great but don't you believe it. It's a whole different world out there than when you were young.
Discount Disney World Tickets.
When you plan a vacation to Orlando to visit Disney world remember that they are only one theme park in the area. There are many theme parks and other attractions in the Orlando area. Kennedy Space Center,Universal Studios, Sea World, Disneys Typhoon Lagoon and Blizzard Beach water park are just a few. Before you get packed you must check this website Discount Disney World Tickets because it will be the best thing you could ever do. This is where you'll find discount tickets for everything in the intire area from theme parks to dinner theaters. is the largest and best supplier of discount tickets that will save money on everything you do so you can afford to do much more.Enjoy your trip to Florida anddon't forget to save money with the many discount tickets you have at your finger tips.
This post was based on information from blogitive.
This post was based on information from blogitive.
House Sitting
My friend is going to Hong Kong and I get to house sit and care for her two dogs. I've done this several times in the past. She always pays me for my time and takes me out to eat at a couple of the better steakhouses. These are the ones I can't really afford on my limited income so it's a good deal for me.The better of the two regardless how often you go there the food is fabulous and prepared to perfection. When you think about going you already know how good the food will be. The people that own and opperate it have been there 50 years family wise.
Friday, January 25, 2008
Reputation Management service
If you're an indivual or business that has recieved negative feedback of your online reputation then there's hope for you. Your business and contacts will improve once you check into this site Duco Medias Reputation Management Service because it will save your life and business. Few companies have reputation management so that's where Doco Media comes in. By dominating the first few pages of the search engines with positive results they force negative comments down out of sight. You may think the cost is a bit high but then again what is your businesses reputation worth to you?

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I'm being paid for this post.
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Blowing Snow
That's the forcast for tonight and tomorrow with -16 degrees. It's been in the low single digits for the last 3 days and I need some heat, I was kind of hoping for the ice that's left to be gone before February got here but it doesn't look like it's going to happen. I guess there's only 2 more months of this crap anyway so I guess we'll live with it for now. I think right now I'll go watch the tube for a while and relax.
Finally Started
I've been wanting to put shelves up in my little office and last night I sank the first screws that hold the brackets to the wall.The shelves are adjustable so they can be spaced at different levels to accomodate biger books and folders. I'll have at least 4 for DVD's so I can keep track of my videos when someone wants to borrow then. Well anyway for those of you that knew about it and also knew I hadn't started yet, I really have it started.
Capella University
What are you looking to learn? Human services, education, Psychology, Business or maybe Public Health. Now you say you don't have time for college because of the comute from school to work. Capella University is an online college fully accredited and it offers you all of these courses. Based in Minn. you just have to check this site capella university and you'll see everything I said is fact. With over a hundred graduate and undergraduate courses plus 15 programs where you can get certified in your field. Capella was founded in 1993 and has been going strong since teaching 20,000 students from 56 countrys and all 50 states. First decide what field you want to train in and then check Capella University to obtain your degree right from your home.
This post was based on information from blogitive.
This post was based on information from blogitive.
Lottery Tonight
I don't know if I'll go up north tomorrow or not because the powerball is tonight with a $20,000,000 prize and if I win that I'll be traveling around this United States in my new motor home. I traveled all over this country and missed all the best places because you couldn't get in with an 18 wheeler. I know there are special drives for big motor homes and I'll find them. Eating the good food of the real truckstops while the tourists stop at those truck-auto plazas that you see all over the place. The day of truckstop cooking is gone not to mention the truckstops themselves. Today if you drive a pickup truck they call themselves truckers. Like they said when I was trucking " Most of them wouldn't make a decent pimple on a real truck drivers behind".
Time Out
I think it's about time for a time out and go 20 miles north to the casino. I never take more than $20 with me so I'm totally broke when I leave to come back home. I really enjoy playing the slot machines and especially the 1 or 2 cent ones. You can play for several hours if you don't get in a big hurry to lose your money. The last time I lost $18 and it took 3 1/2 hours before I went and bought a hamburger and came home. It was lots of fun doing something I don't do every day.
Los Angeles Plastic Surgeon
If you have ever thought about plastic surgery there are many things to be considered. First the surgical procedure then where you want it done. The technique to be used must be one the surgeon's knows to obtain the best results. This website Los Angeles Plastic Surgeon should be your first stop to obtain all the information needed to be sure that you, the surgeon and the procedure are all compatable. When you go to this site they have highly trained surgeons that listen to your wants and needs. This is a major reason when your surgery is complete you will have reached every expectation that you had about the surgery. Every precaution will have been taken to make it perfect in every way.
This post was based on information from blogitive.
This post was based on information from blogitive.
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Here We Go Again
Here I sit wide awake and playing with my computer. I don't feel like going to bed even though I should. I really feel like going out and blowing the snow out of the driveway that I didn't feel like doing today. If the neighbors wouldn't come unglewed I would nbut the landlord would say something about after midnight is not the time to be blowing snow. I don't know why you can't do it when you feel like doing it instead of when they think you should do it.
Is Your Dog Smart?
If you think your dog is smart or even smarter than average for their breed then check out this site Pooch IQ Kit because they have an IQ kit to find out. My friend has a Schnauser and when you come in the door she barks really loud. When you tell her sshhh or not so loud she will lower her bark to a quiet wuff wuff wuff like she is talking to you. You can ask her things and if I was versed in dog I would know just what she did all day. I believe you can teach any dog things regardless of breed. I believe all dogs are smart and if they have an owner that takes the time to love them they can be taught almost anything. Cats on the other hand will never make a good watchcat or chase anyone out of the yard so you can't count on them that way. They make a good house pet but you can't take them for walks or hunting or even play frizbee. So want to find out how smart your dog is then go to that website and check out the IQ kit.

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I'm being paid for this post
Not Going Back
I trucked all over these United States and been everywhere but Alaska and the islands because you can't drive to them. With Alaska I just never got a load going that way. Nowadays trucking is so computerised that you don't have to get out except for showers, food and fuel. I loved the old grubby truckstops where you sat around till all hours and drank coffee and swapped stories with other drivers. Today it seems like it's all how fast you can get from A to B get unloaded and head for C for another load. The big thing I would miss is my old friends that I ran all over the country with. Most of them are dead, some naturally and some behind the wheel doing what they loved doing best. I guess the hard part of that is that half of them were my age and the rest were younger. Where ever you are KEEP THE DIRTY SIDE DOWN AND THE shiney side up.
It's Working
It's been so quite in the blogging field that I said a little prayer for a few blogs and it seems that it worked. Oh I don't get a lot of blogs but enough to keep me from being completely bored with sitting around the house. I love sitting and writing about different things if only for my own amusement let alone someone elses. I enjoy the comments I get from other bloggers that help me understand what is interesting and what isn't. When you're older and retired with partial disability you need something to help fill in where your energy leaves off and the computer does it.
Executive Recruiting Firm
If you're in need of a replacement at the executive level of your business then you're in the right place. In the field of executive recruiting A.E. Feldman has for 40 years maintained an amazing record of service and commitment to finding you the best there is for your position. The representitives for A.E.F. are extremly knowledgable in their fields and with contacts and knowledge through years of experience they can make the perfect match for any position you may have open. This site executive recruiting firm is the best place to start. You know what you want and we know where to find it which in itself is a perfect match.No matter your need from luxury products to communications technology all the way to legal or legal support services you can find it here. Executives to management or even partnerships are all part of our business experience. In order to save precious time be sure to check first.
This post was based on information furnished by blogitive.
This post was based on information furnished by blogitive.
That Green Monster
That big green monster is lurking around the corner at my house. My friend is heading to Hong Kong in 3 weeks and leave me and everyone else behind. Since Hong Kong is about 70 degrees right now I'm a slight bit jealous of her for getting to go. It really doesn't bother me that much because I don't fly because of health problems and I would never toke a boat that far because I don't care for more than a bathtub full when it comes to water. The last time I checked those were the only two ways to get there so have fun.
Ready For Valentines Day
Every year I'm first in valentine presents for my sweetie woman. The secret is make a list of the things they would like and then go online to this very website Coupon Chief and when you do then the world of coupon magic opens up for you. With the coupons and coupon codes you can upgrade the gifts you wanted into the gifts you couldn't afford before. If it's iPods and electronics nothing beats Best Buy coupons and if you're shopping clothes and other gear then Old Navy coupon codes will get the job done. Just remember when you venture out into the internet that regardless of what you need there are coupons to make it easier to get and save you money too. Coupons make it so easy to purchase the things you want and who knows the money you save could buy Valentines Day Dinner for you and your hearts desire so go for it, time is short.

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I'm being paid for this post.
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Bodily Injury
I know now that snow blowing can result in bodily injury for the old guy doing it. I could really use a rubdown right now. I guess it's to bad I live alone or that might not be to far out of line but since I do I guess it's really a daydream. My pain pills take care of a lot but a good massage would do wonders too. I've only got three friends that could fill the bill as a rubdown person and they don't live around here. I guess I'll have to suffer and hope it pops back into place.
Ashop Commerce
Thinking about starting your own online store then you should check out Ashop Commerce to get you started in the right direction.First check out this website Ashop Commerce because you can find out all you'll need to know about shopping cart software to get you started. Ashop Commerce is a leader in helping merchants sell online. Ecommerce software will be at your fingertips to help make your online business a success. While you're at their website you'll be able to test drive their programs and see that with a small monthly investment you to can have a shopping cart business. Tech support and search engines are part of your package and without spending extra money we can personalized a look just for you. We do all we can to save a lot of your cost of getting started so you're already ahead.
White Stuff again
Possible 3 to 6 inches of new snow the weatherman says for tomorrow. Isn't that just great and if you don't think so then there's more coming Wednesday so everyone will be happy. When I bought my first snowblower many years ago I didn't know what a blessing it would be today. If I had to shovel like back in the old days I would never get done. I would probably lose my balance and fall down a whole lot. The old legs aren't what they used to be 50 years ago. Thank God for the guy that invented the snow blower.
Blogging's Good
When you retire you look for something to occupy your spare time. Of course when you retire all of your time is spare time.Remember that 40 or 50 hours you put in on your job? That is now spare time that you have to fill up with something. I remember all the things I had that I could finally do now that I was retiring and would finally have time to get them done. You used to work 40 hours a week take the wife shopping and have friends over on the weekends. Maybe you went to their house. Anyhow in the few spare minutes you had you would fix the lamp cord or build a shelf. Then there was lawn mowing and snow blowing in the winter. Well suprise, suprise, suprise as Gomer would say now you sleep 8 hours and have 16 hours a day for fixing things. It takes about a month at the outside to get everything done and then what? I never had time for a computer and now the computer is my life. My wife passed away and My two cats don't have anything for me to fix so I blog and love it. If you're retired and never had time for computing you should try it. Mainly it uses up a lot of time if you let it and that's all I have is time.
Friday, January 18, 2008
Online Education
Your family is raised and you would like to further your education and get that degree you always wanted. The thing stopping you is the thought of sitting in a classroom with students the age of your kids. Even if you're right out of high school that's not a problem Capella University is a fully accredited online university where you can earn 15 different certificates and 104 graduate and undergraduate specialized degrees you can study for. Not only are their study courses the best but the faculty top of the line. Dr. Christopher Lucies not only a faculty member in the online universitys human services department but was named president elect of Texas Mental Health Councelors Association. This position is for three years and shows you the qualifications of the Capella University's faculty. This website online education can fill you in on all of the details. So if you have household duties or just graduated and have to work full time your education can be completed online and you won't have to wait.
This post was based on information provided by blogitive.
This post was based on information provided by blogitive.
What's That You Say?
They just said the temps. outside are -1 with a wind chill of 26 below because of heavy winds going through our area right now. I'm am one happy guy to think I don't have to go anywhere right now. Plus being older and set in my ways I'm not to proud to say sorry Charlie if someone asks for me to leave my house. I've done many things to help a friend but tonight I don't know anyone so leave me alone.If anyone is out in this heavy wind chill they should have thought about who you gonna call. Not me that's for sure bacause I'll just say go with my blessing.
Ultimate Paintball Store
If you're not ready for the ultimate paint gun battle then you had better upgrade your equipment. The best way for this to happen is by going to this website paintball supplies this is where you'll find the best selection of paintgun gear anywhere. What do you want? How about a Spyder MR1 or VS2 or maybe the Tippman A5? The Tippman A-5 M4 sniper set is one terrific package and right now all are experiencing major discounts so don't wait. But the main thing to remember is paintball for the best equipment you can find anywhere at reasonable prices. You've got the equipment you need with the harnesses and air supplies that they carry and don't forget a vest. Now get out there and have some fun already.
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I'm being paid for this post.
Got To Do It
I guess no matter what I had planned I'm going outside to help my frind get his car started. It woyld probably be a good idea to make sure mine starts too. The battery in mine is factory that came with it and that's seven years ago. They don't give you a hint they're going to fail until you need to get somewhere in a hurry. Better put my boots on and heavy coat and check it out.
DollarBlvd Refinance
If you're thinking about refinancingthen there is only one place to look and that's because they have many lenders ready to bid for your needs in a loan. This Website Florida Refinance can help you with more thorough information on a refinance package to fit your needs at a lower rate. Because they have many lenders they deal with they can get you things that others can't. There's no obligation to find out so you won't lose anything by checking, Try It.
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I'm being paid for this post.
Cold Front
Well the cold front hit northern Iowa and they really meant cold. Last night it got to 11 below zero and forcast fot today is 3 so you can't beat that. The worst part is it plans on hanging around for a few days like we really wanted that. Spring isn't that far away but standing outside this morning it seemed like at least a year. The wind cuts right through you to let you feel the real cold. My poor old bones need warm so I'm going to stay inside.
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Valentines Day
Hey guys there's less than a month to select the perfect Valentine gift for that special someone. If you haven't decided what to get your best bet is this website valentines gifts because you'll find a grand selection of flowers , Fruit baskets and a large selection of special gifts. With fresh flowers, low prices and overnight delivery you can't go wrong here. You are a finger click away from becoming the Valentines Day hero so get at it you can't lose.

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I'm being paid for this post.
Monday, January 14, 2008
Bedtime Already
When I woke up this morning I thought this would be a great day to sleep in. I laid back down and dozed another hour then something told me to get up. I did and 15 minutes later the phone started ringing. I'm telling you I'm really getting to hate anything political and especially phone calls. Well there was an Iowa senator wanting me to take a survey. I graciously told him I don't do political surveys and hung up. You know it's only 10 more months and then maybe 6 months after that with people calling asking our opinion of the election and if we think the right person won. Hang in there soon it will all be over and half the world will be mad half will be happy and the other 100% of the people will wonder if anything is going to change.
Preperation H
That's the only I can think of because this computer is giving me a large pain. The general location should be revealed by the title of the blog. I don't mind sitting hours on end but when your computer freezes up on it's own I get ticked off. I mean if I lose the work I have on it at the time. I guess it's because it's done about everything else since I got it a bout 10 months ago. I turn it on and it informs me it changed some programs for me and got rid of some others. Well that's all done so I guess this is all that's all that's left. Oh well keep on keeping on.
Option Screener
If you like to dabble in the stock market and really enjoy it then there's one thing you really need. What's that? It's a company that can give you the power to search, analyze and campare over 190,000 options and 2,900 opionable options. Power Options gives you all of these and more to help your investments make you money. This Website option screener can familiarize you with all the details to make you a winner. You need to identify the highest stock returns and the only way to do that is with Power Options patented technology called Smart Search XL. You can't find it anywhere else and it's the best connection you can get in the market. Besides essential data you'll find toll free support and even a 14 day free trial, user guide and educational material all with a Power Options performance gaurentee.
This Post was based on information from bloggitive.
This Post was based on information from bloggitive.
Are these snowmobile people a different kind of nut, or just plain nuts? I guess I know quite a few of them and really they can go either way. When it's 0 or 10 below I don't have any desire to go and drive through the ditches and fields but I have done it when was warmer. The ones I know carry a couple brews with or a pint of whiskey to ward of the chill. That's all well and good if you like it that way. One guy I knew had a few and didn't see a strand of barbwire across the field they were in but that doesn't matter now since he isn't around anymore. That's why I like snowmobiling when it's warmer so I don't need the antifreeze.
This Is Cold.
I woke ip at 5:00 this morning and the TV said 5 degrees outside so I did what most retired people do I slept another 3 hours. The big thing was when I got up it was still 5 degrees and at 2:00 this afternoon it was all the way up to 5 degrees. I don't know your views on this but mine are that's cold. The weatherman promised tomorrow will get up to 23 so we can go out without a coat. LOL. When you have lived as long as I have you develope a wait and see attitude so I'll wait and see.
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Credit Cards
You need a credit card and can't find anyone who will give you one. Before you totally give up the search you should try searching here. Just check This website Credit Card because this is where you'll find every credit card you could ever want. I'm talking Citibank, J.P. Morgan Chase or Bank of America. Not only the largest banks but American Express, Visa, Mastercard or Discover are all there for your convience. You don't have to search all over the web looking for the card that's right for you bacause we do it for you. All types of credit cards can be found, applied for and compared with other offers getting you the best deal available. Being one of the longest running businesses in the credit card field Creditcardsearchengine.con can even find you low interest and rewards cards if your credit isn't the greatest. So let your fingers do the walking and talking and before youknow it you'll have the card you want.
This post was based of Information from bloggitive.
This post was based of Information from bloggitive.
Friday, January 11, 2008
What A Night
What a night it was my friend came over and we ate spinach soup drank some red wine and watched the tube. Another friend borrowed my new DVD's so we watched what was available and that was to say the least boring. She doesn't like special effects like buildings blowing up and people getting stabbed or shot with lots of blood. Action flicks are out so I watch love stories and wait till later for the other movies that I like the best.I just got the latest Bourne flick and also Harry Potter so I'm happy now. Those are the two my friend borrowed but it was all right because I already watched both of them with my cats. Oh well tomorrow's another day.
Cskills Training
Construction worker all over are always trying to better themselves for better jobs. Cskills have programs that will train you for the construction industry. Once you get the needed training you can qualify for better positions . This website apprenticeships is the best place to start learninghow and where you can get the training. This site is for employees in and around construction industry. Things like career developement in the construction field. You'll learn about health and safety in the industry. The best way to become certified in your trade by 2010 will be at your fingertips waiting for you to click away. When you really like what you do for a living the be the best you can be at it. The opportunities are there just for you to take and the rest is up to you. The construction fields need good men and the better trained they the better the jobs.
Spinach Soup Tonight
My friend is coming over in a few minutes and help me eat a big pan of homemade spinach soup. It is very rich but the flavor is out of this world if you like cream soups. Served with bread and butter or crackers it tastes just as good. I can only find one thing wrong with it and that is you don't know when to stop eating it. When you finally do you sit for a while feeling totally bloated until you can relax. Well friend is here so time to eat. BYE!!!
$8Prescription Eyeware
The last time I bought eye glasses I just about had to sell the house to pay for them. At this Website Great Discovery: you'll find prices you'll have trouble believing. Bi-focal, single vision, Tinted sunglasses, Progressive Lens orPhotochromic Sunsensors are all listed for you to choose from online. ZenniOptitical keeps their prices down by selling direct to you and by selling only eyeware they manufacture. Most of your eyeglass companies sell to a middleman and then they have to get paid so the price goes wild at times. So if you need glasses and have been putting it off because of the prices then this is your answer,

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I'm being paid for this post.
Is The Drought Over?
I've been sitting here day after day searching for blog opportunities and there were none. The last few weeks have been very dry for me and my funds are about gone. Yesterday I got a blog opportunity and then again today so maybe there is hope I'll make it through the winter. All of this sitting has about wrecked my poor body from neck and shoulder pain to leg cramps. I guess I need a blog for a pharmaceutical company and have them send me a pain reliever sample to ease the pain. Maybe a good hot shower would do about the same thing and I wouldn't have to wait for the mail to get here. Yup I think I'll try that first, SEE YOU Later.
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Contract Hire Car Leasing
The time is rapidly approaching when you need to get a new car. The thing is your budget says you can't afford larger payments that you would need to make. There is a solution to your problem and that is to hire a car or lease one. Ckeck this website contract hire and you can get all the details on leasing a brand new car. I'm sure you'll be very pleasently supprised when you find out the low lease rates you can get. Maybe even lower ythan your present car payments are now. When you go to this website you'll find a great selection of cars to meet your needs. Buy your car does an hourly update on car lease options from the most expensive to the cheapest so you're sure to find what you're looking for. Not only is there a list of makes and models to choose from but also price ranges too. To your left there is a list of searches including price range to choose from. Once you find what you're looking for Buy your car will search an enormous database for the best leasing options you can find on line. Buy your car works with a network of dealers and brokers all across the U.K. to get you your dream car today at the lowest possible lease rates. Once you select the car you love to drive it will come with a full U.K. warranty. The best part of the lease is that the car you choose can be delivered right to your door by any of the dealerships listed by Buy your car. It just doesn't get any better than that so why buy when you can lease.

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I'm being paid for this post.
It's Here Again
Boy I'm so sick of buying salt and icemelt to get rid of all the ice we had. Now it's starting to rain very lightly but the word is it's going to change to freezing rain and snow again. I've done the best I could chopping ice away from my steps and out to the car but there is lots more where that came from. It seems like one of those thankless never ending jobs. I slide all over and don't have very good balance so I worry about falling more than getting ice gone. Hopefully it will be gone soon but time will tell
Lao Band Surgery
You say you tried everything to get rid of excess weight but there's one way left. Journey Lite has a approved system called Lap band surgeru. Check out this website lap band Houston and you will get all the imformation you need. Lap band is a proven method of inserting an adjustable band around your stomach so that your food intake is controled. It's done through a small incision instead of the huge incisions of the past. Not only is recovery time shortened but the surgery can be done as an outpatient and go home the same day. The lapband can be adjusted or removed at any time when you reach your weight goal. Professional surgeons make it all look easy so why not?

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I'm being paid for this post.
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Driver Education
What ever happened to driver education that tells you to be alert and slow down in very bad weather especially in fog. There were several pile ups in eastern Iowa that cost at least 2 people their lives. Makes you wonder if it was a malfunction in reflex time that they didn't stop or were they talking to a friend about how bad the fog was. I guess it doesn't matter what the reason was they're still dead. If they were talking on a cell phone think about the person they were talking to and how they feel to hear the crash and find out they died. It seems like the more technology we get the stupider people get and they take some really big risks.
Sunday, January 6, 2008
Bet 365
Do you like playing the games at the casino but sometimes you can't get there because of really bad weather? Let me tell you that you can still play the games online all you need is a computer. In fact there are over 65 games you can play instantly including all the casino games you ever want to try. How about sport betting like football you should try this site football betting for the pleasure you seek. Poker, Blackjack, and 0ther table games are at your fingertips. With a dedicated poker players section plus sport betting or the interactive games you can have it all. There isn't a need to worry because of our dedication to the secure invironment for the needs of all our patrons. We have a one wallet account system so you can play whichever games you want or move around and still deal out of the same account. This is a very easy way to keep track of your action and where you stand. The only thing left to do is when you want to place a bet go online to and get it done.
Heat From Sunshine
I was beginning to think this 3/4 inch layer of ice was going to be around forever but the sun has been out 3 days now and it's slowly melting. The weatherman predicts warm temps. for next 4 days at least plus rain a couple of them. With warm and rain the ice will be completely gone by the time the February snows hit us. I don't mind snow but ice is very hazzardess to my ability to get around. Come on sunshine the more the better.
Homemade soup
My friend found a cecipe for soup without meat in it and is fixing today. Fresh bakery bread sticks and crackers on the side. I can hardly wait for the phone to ring and hear her say it's soup come on over. There's aspinach soup that's just out of this world and that will happen in the next week. I just love soup with buttered bread and all you can eat rules. With the price of meat getting way out of budget range for some of us on a fixed income soup is a wonderful treat. The mixture of different veggies changes the flavor of about anything. There's the phone so time to go, later gator.
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
Gold Coins
In the world of rare coins and precious metals the Monex family has been a leader for nearly 40 years. Monaco Rare coins is part of this family and should be the first contact you make when looking forrare coins to invest in. Check this website gold coin for more detailed information. Precious metals like gold, silver wether in bullion or in coin form can be obtained if you know where to look and we do. With over 25 billion dollars invested in the precious metal market from tens of thousands of investors Monaco has a world famous reputation in the market. From recent government released coins to rare coin investments we have them all or can get what you want. There are over $10,000,000 in investment quality coins available immediately and others that can be gotten on short notice.
This post was based on information from bloggitive.
This post was based on information from bloggitive.
i'LL BE SO GLAD WHEN THE PROMISED WARMER WEATHER GETS HERE. With resperatory problems the cold weather, especially the single digit or below zero can really make it tough to just simply breathe. You bend and tie your shoes then gasp for breath until it settles down again and starts coming normally. Very slow breaths are good in cold air and keep you walking in a straight line. I stagger and even fall by losing my balance to the point if a cop saw me he would wonder if I had a little to much. I fool them though because if I have a couple beers or drinks I do it at home so they don't see me staggering around.
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
Pragma Systems
In the computer business world there are always several problems regardless how major or minor they may be. Online Security along with management capabilities, reliable access and control in the network infrastructure. Since there are so many providers joining the world of computing your problem is which one can give you the best coverage. Before you fall prey to a lesser company and have to start looking again for a better conection for your company then you should check this website SSH Telnet and start with the best. You have everything to gain and nothing to lose because we're just a finger click away.
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