Monday, December 15, 2008

Crazy Neighbors

Maybe you won't think they're crazy but I'm really wondering about it.The other day when it was below zero all day with the wind blowing making it 32 below wind chill my neighbor was acting crazy. He was out on the street in front of my house riding a bicycle on shear ice. Sliding all over and trying to stay upright. He just had a sweatshirt on and no coat. They have 2 sons 14 and 15 with a baby coming in a month or two. The boys run around in Tshirts and sweatshirts in this cold. I don't know what you would do but I have so many clothes on I work at just moving. When I was young I could stand the cold a whole lot better that I can today. I think if I ever scored some big bucks I'd move to a warm climate. I'll probably hit the lottery the day after I die so that won't do me any good. I guess I'll have to just make do with what I have for now.

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