Monday, December 31, 2012
Another Year
The clock in New York City says 9 minutes to go and it will be 2013 so we made it another year. I'm home where it's nice and warm watching TV. Outside it's 3 below zero and getting colder before morning. There are over a million people in the streets in NYC waiting for the ball to drop. It would be fun to be there but I think about how long it would take to get through the crowd and back to your hotel room. The ball drops at midnight and I just imagine it would take until 5:00 at least to get out of there. The clock says 2 minutes left so I'm going to get ready to jump up and down and yell HAPPY NEW YEAR and then go to bed. That won't take long because there isn't any crowd here. I pray everyone be blessed in the year 2013 and be thankful for what you have.
Friday, December 28, 2012
We had a big blizzard last week. I moved snow for my friend, Todd and there was quite a bit. He has a big place that needs many driveways cleared so it can take a couple hours. We got snow overnight last night. It isn't much but enough that it has to be moved. So that is where I will be for the next hour and a half probably. I can get my driveway cleared too and that sure helps.
Monday, December 10, 2012
Now THAT'S a Birthday Cake
My sister has all kinds of little great grandchildren. It seems like a whole lot of them are having birthdays this time of the year. Take a look at this birthday cake - a volcano. His one grandpa brought along one he could make erupt with lava running down the sides. My sister says it was really neat. The one in the picture is chocolate and it was really good with homemade ice cream the little guy's dad made the night before.
He's 3 years old. Can you see the 3 on top. It lit up like a sparkler.
He's 3 years old. Can you see the 3 on top. It lit up like a sparkler.
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Baby pictures
It is too bad we don't stay cute like our baby pictures. What a difference 76 years makes. I know I don't look anything like my baby pictures. This is my older sister and this was taken probably 78 years ago as she is 79 now. She put it on Facebook and one of her grandchildren put a picture of their 2nd little girl on Facebook too. The baby looks just like my sister did when she was a baby. It was amazing. My sister told me she did it to see if any of the great grandchildren would look like her and the latest one does. She has 13 great grandchildren and 14 grandchildren.
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Is It Just Me Or What?
It seems to me like everything that can go wrong, goes wrong. I had knee replacement surgery 12 years ago and came out of it pain free. Now 10 years later they replaced the other knee but I've have had bad pain for 2 years. When the doctors that did the surgery checked it they said everything is fine. After many tests for a second oppinion from Mayo they said I had a defective replacement and it should be changed. The only thing is I'm on medicare with no supplimental insurance so I'm responseable for the balance. That would mean adding another $3,000 to $5,000 to my medical debt that I have already. I said I may as well try to live with the pain and see what happens. I live now from one Social Security check to the next with very little left over for things I need. Sometimes a bill or two go without a payment. I ask the help programs for help and they say I don't qualify. I'm trying to figure out what it takes to qualify foraid. I'm 76 years old with both knees replaced with steel and a pair of lungs that only function at 25% because of emphzema and that keeps me from speaking in a normal voice so people can hear me. SO, I guess I just have to wait and see if the government will change the way wellfare works. I served 3 years in the Iowa National Gaurd but we wern't at war so it doesn't make me a veteran so I can't qualify for any military help either. I guess that's why I say, IS IT JUST ME OR WHAT?
Friday, November 2, 2012
Take Control of Noise and Vibrations
Does it seem hard to keep vibrations and noise under control in your business or perhaps even your home? A good acustical ceiling is a good place to start with to control unwanted sound. In factories where machines are causing a great deal of noise and vibrations, it is very helpful to contact the right people who know how to solve your problems. Vibrations can cause a great amount of wear and tear on machinery, engines and various operations in a business. Often employees need to wear special gear to prevent hearing loss from all the excessive noise that could be controlled with the right equipment. People with 20 years of experience are ready and able to assist you in controlling these problems and it is easy to call them on their toll free number for assistance and information.
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Gloomy Day
It is a very gloomy day today. It isn't much of a day to go out and run errands. Have to use the windshield wipers quite often. What we really need is a good all day and all night soaking rain. You can't enjoy running errands on a day like today. It is more like a good day to stay in and take a nap.
Saturday, October 20, 2012
After the Wedding
After my nephew got married in Colorado, they went on their Honeymoon. He chose Jamaica to go to. It was just beautiful there. Nice and warm and a great place to stay. The ocean was right there for swimming or just sunning yourself on the beach. The food was excellent too and they had a great time.
Monday, October 8, 2012
One More Time
I had a knee replaced 2 years ago and suffered with great pain for the whole 2 years. The doctors that did the surgery checked and couldn't fine anything wrong with the new knee. I finally went to Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Mn. for a second oppinion and they said, after careful examination, that the replacement knee was bad and needed to be replaced. In another2 weeks I'll have the surgery to take care of the problem. This time it will be at the Mayo Hospital. The doctor up there said I will have no more pain which is good when you're 75 years old. You can't live in pain every day of the rest of your life. Things are going to get lots better in a month or two. I'm really looking forward to a better painfree life from on.
Saturday, October 6, 2012
Halloween Pumpkins
My sisters grandkids all went out to a big pumpkin patch the other day. It was part of a field trip for the pre-school kids. I bet their eyes were big as saucers when they saw all those pumpkins. How do you choose one when there are so many good ones? I guess they each chose one and took them home to carve them. I remember when we did that. Something else I remember was how much fun it was to rake leaves into a big pile in our driveway and drive into them. Then at night my Mom would burn them and she always had marshmallows for us to roast over the fire. Good memories.
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
Taco Tuesday
Today was Taco Tuesday at Taco Johns. My sister came over and we went there to eat. You can get all the Tacos you want for 69 cents each. My sister likes to change almost every week. Today she got a quesadilla and one to go for supper tonight. I got a super burrito for a change. But their tacos are so very good, I will probably get them next time. The Super Potato Oles are really good too or so my sister tells me. I may have to try them some time.
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Pizza Today
I am going over to my sister's today. We are going out for lunch at the Pizza Ranch. I love their Pizza. They have a huge buffet with all kinds of salads, pizza and much more. You can have all you can eat and they have the best mashed potatoes and gravy too with broasted chicken. You can also have broasted potatoes and sometimes potato chips they make. Cheese sticks and dip are good too. I don't think they have anything I don't like. Cactus bread for dessert is always good too and they make it in apple, peach or blueberry if you ask.
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Taco Tuesday
Every Tuesday is a special on tacos at Taco Johns here in my hometown. My sister has been coming over since last winter to join me in eating Mexican food. Tacos are only 69 cents each. My sister is always trying new stuff too like the stuffed grilled taco. They are pretty good too. She also likes their churros and so do I. They are the best.
Thursday, September 6, 2012
Air Conditioning
My air conditioner quit working on some of the hottest days. I had all kinds of fans running in the house and it didn't feel too bad. However, it got pretty warm by night time and hard to sleep. Some good friends of mine brought a window air conditioner and put it in my bedroom window. What a great difference that made. I could even cover up with a couple sheets and sleep good. It is a life saver. Now it sounds like we are going to have some cooler days at least for a little while.
Saturday, August 25, 2012
Bad News- Good News
The temperature outside was getting into the high 80's and I didn't have my central air on. I suffer from emphazema and my lungs are about shot. The hot weather was getting to me so I turned the AC on. Nothing happened and the housejust kept getting hotter. It had worked just hours before so I went into the check all contats and fuses mode to no avail.SO after sleeping or trying to sleep in a 82 degree house for 2 nights my friends came over for a cold one. Telling them what was going on they started checking and found the trouble. That means the good news is my AC is running and the house is cool so it'll be a lot better sleeping tonight.Better
Light Rain
We are getting just a little light rain today. It didn't last long and just wet the ground. It seems very hard to rain here this year. The crops are ruined. The farmers are combining the corn way ahead of schedule as it is dry and not going to grow anymore. Some cut theirs for silage. I heard the ears of corn are only half filled out. I think I heard that one plant is closing due to shortage of corn to make ethanol and I bet there will be more shutdowns. The bean crop will be smaller too and they use beans for biodiesel. I don't think they should be using crops to make gas anyway when it is needed for food. Food prices are skyrocketing. And it will get worse before it gets better.
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Taco Tuesday
I love Taco Tuesday. Taco Johns has 69 cent tacos on Tuesdays and they are sooo good. My sister has been coming over from the next town to join me. We have a good meal and a good visit at the same time. We missed a couple of Tuesdays because I was sick or gone but today we can go there for lunch. I love the green hot sauce and you have to ask for it specially. And it is hot. My sister tried it once and that was enough for her. She will stick with the regular sauce. We love the churros too for dessert. Just can't beat that Mexican food.
Saturday, August 18, 2012
Knee Replacement
I had a knee replacement almost 2 years ago. It has given me a great deal of pain ever since I got it. The doctor who did it said x-rays show it is fine, come back in 2 years. Well it isn't fine because I have to take pain pills, strong ones, every 4 hours to stand it. I get very little sleep and stay up most of the night before I can go to sleep. I finally went to Rochester, MN and they said it is a bad knee and needs replacing. I guess I knew that all along but glad to finally have someone say I am right. I will have to put up with it a couple more months and then I sure hope things will be completely different and pain free. My sister has had 3 knee replacements and has had no trouble with any of them.
Monday, August 13, 2012
I just read in the paper about the Cicada Killer Wasp. I haven't seen any yet and don't want to. Although they are called Killer, they do not sting you. They just go about minding their own business. They don't build nests on buildings like regular wasps. They are much bigger than a regular wasp and wasp killer won't kill them. They burrow in the ground and since it has been so dry, that is easy for them so they are multiplying this year. My niece is petrified of any kind of wasp and she has seen several of them in their yard. I guess there were some last year in the next town but I haven't seen any yet here. I hope this is just one of those cycles and they don't appear next year.
Thursday, August 9, 2012
Rocky Mountains

It has been many years since I drove truck and was in the Rocky Mountains. They are really something to see. It is hard to picture when all around you are corn and bean fields. I would just love to make a trip out there again and see all that beauty. My sister was lucky enough to go with her kids out to Estes Park and the Rocky Mountain National Park. I would sure enjoy traveling there too.
Saturday, August 4, 2012
Hospitals are a good place to be when you need them. But you sure do not get any sleep there. I went into the ER on Monday about noon. I had not had anything to eat since Sunday night and that was just a hot dog. They wanted to do another colonoscopy on me so had me drink that junk and then postponed it a day. Had me drink it again the next day and finally had the test on Wednesday. In the meantime, I got a little beef broth and coffee. I was losing blood and had to give me quite a bit to keep me going. They cauterized some veins in my stomach to stop the bleeding and I finally got to go home late Thursday. Looks like I have to go back in 3 months and have the same thing done again, cauterize more veins in my stomach.
Thursday, July 26, 2012
Hot Weather
It has been just too darn hot for anyone. The heat index has been over 100 for days. You can hardly go outside without breaking into an immediate sweat. It does not do my breathing any good either. I just want to stay inside where it is air conditioned and watch TV. Or taking a nap seems like a good idea on days like these. I sure don't like the idea of running a bunch of errands outside on such hot days. We are supposed to cool down some but so far it has only been about 5 or 6 degrees over yesterday. Hope tomorrow is cooler.
Saturday, July 21, 2012
No Big Deal
If your doctor says, you need a colonoscopy don't sweat it. The worst part is drinking a gallon of liquid that tastes like Alka Selser with salt in it. You have to do this at 15 minutes intervals and must drink 8 onces each time. You have a 4 liter jug full so you don't run out. After drinking a little over half of it the bathroom visits start. This all starts at 6:30 the night before the procedure. About 9:00 you are to busy doing other things to be drinking. If you're lucky you can catch a nap fo an hour, maybe even an hour and a half. Then at about 1:00 you start drinking again until it's gone following the 15 minute schedule. You can't drink anything after 3:00 A.M. and you have to be at trhe hospital to check in at around 6:00 at least. They sedate you do the procedure and bring you out of the sedation. The thing is make sure there's somebody to help catch you when you fall. You're woozy but don't realize it until you lean to far one way. I landed on my elbow and it's swollen and bruised bad. I must have thought that was fun because after I got home I tried it again only this it was the other elbow. When I hit I peeled the hide off almost the whole elbow and did it bleed. Well unless they found something drastically wrong in there I don't plan on ever repeating the procedure again.
Friday, July 20, 2012

Kids can have fun anywhere any time. Here are my sister's great grandkids having a cold treat on a hot day. Their Mom made these popsicles at home with something new. I am told that you just pour in the mix and in a few minutes they are frozen. Wish we had something like that when we were kids. It is so easy.
Saturday, July 14, 2012
Loveland, Colorado

Here is a beautiful view near Loveland, Colorado. It is the 2nd picture. I used to go to Colorado when I was young. I wish I could make another trip there to see those beautiful mountains. My sister got to go with her kids to her grandson's wedding. She took lots of great pictures of the mountains. I wish I could have been there too.
Also here's a view of Estes Park, Colorado. Beautiful place.
Sunday, July 8, 2012
Finally !!!
Here in northern Iowa we've had some 100 degree weather for several weeks. The temps have finally cooled off about 15 degrees and what a difference. The farmers are facing drought conditions in the fields. The Lord saw fit to bless me with bad lungs and the hot weather about does me in. It's kind of a game with me with heat and humidity. Sometimes the heat doesn't bother me so much and others it kills me to be outside. The humidity is another problem because one day low humidity is great and the next high humidity is easier to breathe. You don't know until you walk out the door and try it. If it's to bad you go back into the house with the AC running and wait until late afternoon and hope it cools off enough to breathe. I really hate to say it but winter months are a little bit better at least for me. I still don't go outside on bad days.
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
4th of July
The 4th of July will be different for me this year. I will be spending my evening preparing for a colonoscopy the next day. That isn't any fun. We like to walk aways from home and can watch the fireworks very well from there. I guess I have seen a lot of fireworks in my life but it is always fun just the same. I never get tired of watching them.
Saturday, June 30, 2012
Busy Week
Yup it's going to be a busy week with the 4th celebration. Clear Lake goes all out with fireworks and big carnival every year. I have medical tests on Thursday that will keep me from celebrating to much. That's all right I'm old enough I don't need a lot of fireworks to make me happy.If TV is good I just as soon avoid the huge crowds and stay home anyway. My friends will come over, being of like mind, and drink a beer or two and have a nice party here and no big crowd. So if you're cooking out or sitting drinking a beer watching fireworks, I say enjoy because it don't get better than this.
Friday, June 29, 2012
Rocky Mountain National Park

What a beautiful place to visit. I remember being out there when I was younger. I heard the fires have burned right up around Pikes Peak, too, where I have been. It is shame that all that beauty is being burned up. It will take years to grow back. It is a sad people are losing so many of their homes too. I don't know what I would do or feel like if that happened to me. I guess I will risk the tornadoes here over forest fires in Colorado.
Monday, June 25, 2012
Colorado Forest Fires

Here you see the forest fire that was just starting North of Ft. Collins, Colorado. It was just getting a good start and my niece took a picture. They were out in Estes Park for her son's wedding. He got married just in time as they saw some white smoke just beginning to come up out of the mountains as they went up to the wedding site. They wondered if it could be a fire and it sure was and it is a bad one. They can't seem to get it under control as there is so much wind and the wind blows the sparks. It's a real bad deal for all the folks losing their homes and lifetime investment in their homes for retirement.
Colorado fire,
forest fires,
Ft. Collins,
Friday, June 22, 2012
Wind and Rain
We got a good rain the night before last. It has been very dry here. The farmers were really beginning to worry. Corn leaves were beginning to wilt. That's not a good sign. The corn and beans are way ahead of schedule and I heard this noon there is sweet corn for sale already in Des Moines. That means it shouldn't be long until we get some up here. We always look forward to good sweet corn.
Monday, June 18, 2012
Trip to Rocky Mountains

Here is my sister at Estes Park. They did some shopping there after they went up to one of the highest peaks in the Rocky Mountain National Park. She said it was really windy and I probably couldn't have stood up in that wind. It was also very very cold but the view was outstanding. They went shopping and ate in Estes Park at a unique restaurant. See picture at the top of this post. It had a big sign "Don't touch please." Guess what, Kaelyn just had to keep touching him:0)
Monday, June 11, 2012
Roller Derby Again
We went to the second roller derby of the season around here Saturday night. The local team kicked butt and won 184 to 118. That's better than last time when they lost 185 to 219 or something like that. This week we skipped the party because the people I was with didn't feel like a party. There was 1 other in the group that voted to go party but we were out numbered so that's how the cookie crumbles no party. The next derby here isn't until August so will just have to wait. There's a game in Waterloo in a couple weeks but I'm not up to driving 200 round trip for a 2 hour match so will wait until August. It's getting more fun with every match.
June 11th
It's 2 days away from my friends birthday and I thought I would take her out to lunch. She already has a lunch date and also another one for dinner. I told her that's great that she won't have to be alone on her birthday. I'll just have to celebrate by myself but that's good too. I enjoy the piece and quiet and sometimes her friends get just a little loud. Thank God it's just some of them and the rest are reasonably normal. I really don't have much room to talk since I enjoy loud at times but just not stupid loud. Life must go on wether it's loud or quiet it still has to keep going. You just have to be happy and get by on what you have and hope it lasts forever.
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
What Next
I was talking with friends about life today and when we were young. The difference is simply night and day. When we talked back to our parents we got spanked. Today if you spank your child for being disrespectful they call the police and have you arrested. They didn't learn a thing except the fact they can do whatever they want and not worry about having to be punished for it. You learned that if you try to guide your child along the right path you may as well give up or you'll be in jail for abuse. What's wrong with this picture??? I've met some young people with good family and church beliefs and I feel we may still have a chance. I'm getting to the age where I don't have that many years left but I still worry about the people that will still be here after I'm gone.I guess you just pray the good ones inherit the earth and the bad ones come around and realise what life is really about.
Monday, May 28, 2012
Saturday night I had a new experience for intertainment. I talked to a friend of my daughters and she said that she skated in a roller derby. They had a match at the fairgrounds that Saturday night. Having watch the roller derby on TV years ago I thought it would be fun to go for a change. The two friends that went with weren't thrilled but I enjoyed it. My friends did enjoy the party afterwards with the skaters at a local tavern. It was a fun time and I'll go again since I do know some of the skaters.
Memorial Day

Here it is, Memorial Day, the day we honor those who went to war to die for our freedom. My brother-in-law was in the Army during the Korean Conflict. He was fortunate to spend his time in Germany rather than Korea. However, he did get the shots and was headed there when they changed his orders. That was 61 years ago. Now the family decorates his grave on Memorial Day as he passed away last year.
Thursday, May 24, 2012
New Nephew

This my latest new nephew. My sister's daughter is holding her grandson, Caysen. They have 5 grandchildren already and she is only 53. Her twins both had babies at the same time, 2 years apart, twice and made them double grandparents twice so now they have 5 grandchildren already. I am glad it is them though that has to take care of them. That is a lot of work for the parents. Makes you appreciate all the more all the work our own Mom did for us.
Saturday, May 19, 2012
After the Rain

After the rain, you often see a Rainbow. I never get tired of seeing rainbows. Just a while back there was a double rainbow. My niece got a great picture of it as you can see here. God destroyed the earth with a great flood. He put the rainbow in the sky as his promise never to do that again. It is really neat to see those rainbows, especially when there are 2 of them.
Sunday, May 13, 2012
Mothers Day
My Mother died 30 years ago but her memory is still alive in my heart. She gave me 2 sisters to help remind me I'm not alone in this old world. She fed me and clothed me and kept me well through some really bad winters. I remember 20's and 30's below for weeks at a time and seemed like it lasted at least 12 months. Then 6 months of summer and then another 12 months of winter. Thank You Lord for making the winter shorter as I got older. I really don't think I could hack it buddy if they were like they were in the 40's, 1940's that is. This last winter we just finished was a super winter for history books. Record temps all winter and you only needed a sweatshirt to go outside instead of a parka. They said it was the second warmest in history and I'm 75 so I don't know how far back you have to go to find the warmest one. I just know it was before 1936 when I showed up to make the world a better place for a few people. I think that's enough for a while so I'll be going. Thank You Mom for bringing me into this world so I could write this, Love OZZIE
Saturday, May 12, 2012
Austin Ceramic-Stone-Tile, Cleaning Services
Many homes today have beautiful stone floors. They also enjoy various types of tile and ceramic floors as well. So when it comes to round rock tx tile cleaning you want an expert company to come in and do it for you. You have probably spent a great deal of time trying to clean it yourself only to get very frustrated and find you have really wasted your time and elbow grease on your floors. They do get a lot of wear and tear and you certainly want to restore its beauty and luster whenever possible. The best way to find the experts is to get on your computer and check out the internet and find the company that has the real know how to restore your floors back to their original beauty. It can be done with the right methods by those with great experience in doing this. The last thing we all want to do is replace the floors as that can be very costly.
Austin cleaning services,
stone floors,
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
Super Moon Sunday Night

Did you get to see the Super Moon on Sunday night May 6th. If you didn't, you really missed something. They said it was the closest the moon comes to the earth and it doesn't happen very often. It was quite a site. It looked like an orange Harvest Moon at first before it became white. Sure glad the rain stopped so we could see it. Most of the time when a meteor shower goes thru or something like that it is all cloudy and we miss it but this time we got to see it very clearly.
Sunday, April 29, 2012
What Next ?
We are just getting over the second warmest winter in history of record keeping. Guess what, the temps were in the 70's and 80's with high winds that were trying to blow everything over. In fact it did blow some things over. An example of this would be Semi Trucks on the interstate. I used to drive one for 50 years and it's no fun being blown around especially when your rig weighs 80,000 pounds. They call them 18 wheelers because they have 9 wheels on each side. Once in high winds my truck was blown up on the 9 outside wheels and then dropped back down after about 200 feet. This happen 3 times on that stretch of interstate 35 south of Clear Lake, Iowa. I can tell you it does make you wonder just what you're doing out there in the first place. Tonight is a fairly good night with light wind and steady rain and 47 degrees and it's the end of April. Whatever you're doing out there remember to, Keep the rubber side down and the shiney side up.
Sunday, April 22, 2012
Cold and Rainy
It is a cold 55 degree day today. It rained during the night and we got about another 1/2" of rain. They say the water levels in the aquafers are very low and we need all the rain we can get because we didn't get snow this winter. We got about 14" of snow compared to snow in the 40 inch range. If we don't get enough rain, the state could actually run out of water. I don't remember this ever happening before but it probably has. The farmers are very happy to see the rain. It is a little too early to plant yet even though they are getting overanxious too plant.
Monday, April 16, 2012
We have really had the severe weather pass by us this weekend. Two tornadoes hit in southern Iowa doing a great deal of damage. We have a good tornado shelter here in our trailer court but it is always crowded and people take their dogs and it is a nightmare. I would rather stay in my home and ride it out. I will do that. Luckily, they all went around us and went north but it is very cold, high winds and rain today.
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Taco Tuesday
Every Tuesday at Taco Johns is Taco Tuesday when they have them for only 69 cents each. I have been going there for a long time on Tuesdays but lately my sister has decided to join me. She went shopping yesterday morning and I had an errand to run. However, we were both late and it was still lunch time so she met me there and we had a great Mexican lunch. They have a good Kum and Go gas station there too and my sister likes to fill up as their price is usually a bit lower than most others. It is a big truck stop too right off the Interstate. It was a beautiful sunny day but the wind almost knocked us off our feet.
Sunday, April 8, 2012
Easter Sunday
Went to church this morning and had a great breakfast. Then we went on in to the church service. Lots of music. My daughter and her friends came too. After church we went out to her acreage and had a great ham dinner. Had carrot cake for dessert. Also had a great visit with everyone. It was so windy it was really something out in the country.
Friday, April 6, 2012
Spring has Sprung
It is Spring at last. We had quite a bit of warm weather the last couple weeks but for the next week they are talking freeze warnings at night. One thing about it, I don't have any flowers to worry about. We are having the strongest winds ever though. It is hard to keep your balance when it is trying to blow you over. It is a beautiful sunny 45 degree day today though and supposed to get up to 60.
Saturday, March 24, 2012
Warm March Weather
I love this unusually warm March weather. I have had the windows open quite a bit. My cats love to lay in the window and breathe the fresh air. Today we have very thick fog but it will burn off when the sun gets through it. It is great not to have to put on a heavy sweatshirt, jacket and gloves. This is a March to remember. We have been running 20 degrees above normal for a long time now. I hope April just keeps getting better. March came in like a Lion so it should go out like a Lamb, at least I sure hope so.
Sunday, March 18, 2012
A Little Child Shall Lead Them

Can you believe that a 2 year old and a 4 year old would be working with iPads. I hardly know what one is, let alone know how to use it. I guess my generation is getting farther and farther away from all this computer knowledge. I write on my blog and do email and answer a few surveys and that's about all I get done. It is amazing how the kids of today are getting way ahead of us grandparents.
Wednesday, March 7, 2012

The older I get, sometimes, it is hard to keep my concentration on just one thing. But here are my sister's great grandkids who are having no problems at all concentrating. Their Mom is a teacher and she is home schooling them before they go to school. She is teaching them numbers, colors and many things they need to know before they enter preschool.
Friday, March 2, 2012

Do you like to bowl. I used to do some when I was younger but now I am not in shape to bowl. But these kids are ready already and they are just little ones. By the time they grow up a little, they will be quite the bowlers. Here is one of my sister's great grandkids at the bowling alley trying to pick out a ball. They are almost as big as he is. I bet they are all having lots of fun.
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Except fpr a few years here and there I've lived in Iowa all my life of 75 years. This winter has been the strangest one I have ever seen to say the least. It's the end of Fedruary and temps have been in the 30's and 40's all month.I'm used to low teens or single digets like they say. Even below zero isn't out of the question for this time of year. I totally haven't got a clue as to what I'm supposed to be thinking right now except this is really weird for weather in February. They say this year is the second warmest in recorded history but the first one had to have been many many years ago because I don't remember it. OH WELL, that's life, go figure.
Monday, February 20, 2012
New Home

My nephew and family moved to a new city and bought a new house. He got a new job that he likes better than his old one. He has to travel quite a bit right now but he's hoping that will slow down in the next 6 months. They really love their new home and it has a full finished basement that is really nice. Here is a picture of it. I haven't been down there to see it yet, but maybe one of these days.
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Funny Winter
The TV says that we are having the second warmest winter on record this year. It's realy strange to have temperatures in the 40's in the middle of February. Usually this time of year it's a lot closer to zero than 40. We did have a little cold weather but only lasted a week or two. Having lived in California for a few years I've experienced warm winters but I don't expect them here. If it wasn't for the ice on the lake you would really have to wonder what time of year it is. Hey don't get me wrong I'll take this kind of winter every year if I can get it.
TV any night
Thanks for the article from Isaiah Gaines
We have had Directv at my parents house for a while now. We first got it set up when I was in middle school. After that, my life changed! Before that, we only had a few channels. There was very little on TV on the regular basis, especially with so few channels. It always seemed like half of them were fuzzy, too, which drove me crazy. The best days for TV were always Saturdays before we had DirecTV installed at the house. They play a group of cartoon shows for younger kids that do not come on the rest of the week. I always loved watching those shows. Once we got our new TV service installed, there was hardly ever a day there was not something to watch. Not only could I watch cartoons and shows almost any day of the week, I even got to watch movies on certain channels that play older movies a lot. That was the best upgrade in my opinion. My sister was pretty excited for her shows that had music videos in them. Either way, it was a big upgrade to watch TV any night of the week.
We have had Directv at my parents house for a while now. We first got it set up when I was in middle school. After that, my life changed! Before that, we only had a few channels. There was very little on TV on the regular basis, especially with so few channels. It always seemed like half of them were fuzzy, too, which drove me crazy. The best days for TV were always Saturdays before we had DirecTV installed at the house. They play a group of cartoon shows for younger kids that do not come on the rest of the week. I always loved watching those shows. Once we got our new TV service installed, there was hardly ever a day there was not something to watch. Not only could I watch cartoons and shows almost any day of the week, I even got to watch movies on certain channels that play older movies a lot. That was the best upgrade in my opinion. My sister was pretty excited for her shows that had music videos in them. Either way, it was a big upgrade to watch TV any night of the week.
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Moving Snow
We had just enough snow on Monday so that we had to move the snow from the storage units yesterday. It has been a very good winter with very little snow. That doesn't make for good income moving snow though. I know other people who make their living clearing the snow and it really hurts them bad. As for me, it helps on my limited income but I don't have to depend on it for all my living which is very good. Next year I bet it will be the opposite and we will have snow to spare.
Monday, February 6, 2012
Winter? Where?
Right now in northern Iowa we'ra going through one of the wildest winters that we have ever had. Temps in the 30's and 40's with no or very little snow. Usually by now it's been below zero and snow up to your butt. All of the big snow storms have gone above or below us and that ain't bad. The energy bills aren't a lot more than summertime bills. Light jackets or sweatshirts are all you need outside to stay warm. It's really something to experience that I've never seen before and I'm 75 years old. Like they say, I like it, I love it, I want more of it.
Sunday, January 29, 2012
Online Marketing
Today every company that really wants to get out and contact the public will have a website setup for them. However, online marketing sometimes is not so easy. But if you hire the right company that is experienced and knows how to draw the public to your website and grow your business this way, you will be very happy with the results. You may be pleasantly surprised at how inexpensive it is for local search engine placement services can be, especially for your small business. Experienced CEO's, customized services and no contracts is a big plus. You can even go online and check out this company's customers. There is nothing quite as good as the listing of happy customers to convince you that you are working with the right company.
Saturday, January 28, 2012
Better Weather
I spent quite a few hours moving snow this week. I have great equipment to do it with. I work for this friend and he calls me whenever he needs me. Now it is sunny and a lot of the snow has been melting. I heard we might get more in the next couple of days. That will mean more work for me. I can always use the money :0)
Monday, January 23, 2012
Live alone? Hungry for cake? Try This
3, 2, 1 CAKE
These individual little cakes are amazing and ready to eat in one minute! They are perfect
for whenever you feel like a treat without all the fat and calories that cake can have. Genius idea!
1 box Angel Food Cake Mix
1 box Cake Mix - Any Flavor
2 Tbsp Water
Makes 1 serving.
In a ziploc bag, combine the two cake mixes together and mix well. For each individual cake serving, take out 3 Tablespoons of the cake mix combination and mix it with 2 Tablespoons of water in a small microwave-safe container. Microwave on high for 1 minute, and you have
your own instant individual little cake!
KEEP remaining cake mixture stored in the ziploc bag and use whenever you feel like a treat! You can top each cake with a dollop of fat free whipped topping and/or some fresh fruit.
Helpful Tips:
This recipe is called 3, 2, 1 Cake because all you need to remember is
"3 tablespoons mix, 2 tablespoons water, 1 minute in the microwave!"
TRY various flavors of cake mix like carrot, red velvet, pineapple, lemon, orange, etc. Just remember that one of the mixes has to be the angel food mix; the other is your choice.
The flavor possibilities are endless!
The best thing is, you open both cake mixes into a gallon storage bag, one that 'zip locks' or 'self-seals', or a container that seals tightly, shake the two cake mixes to blend and then make the recipe. Storage of mix is simple, put it on a shelf. No need to refrigerate, since the mix is dry. Always remember, that one of the cake mixes MUST be Angel Food. The other can be any flavor. The Angel Food is the cake mix that has the egg whites in it. So, if, anyone is allergic to egg whites, DO NOT serve this recipe.
These individual little cakes are amazing and ready to eat in one minute! They are perfect
for whenever you feel like a treat without all the fat and calories that cake can have. Genius idea!
1 box Angel Food Cake Mix
1 box Cake Mix - Any Flavor
2 Tbsp Water
Makes 1 serving.
In a ziploc bag, combine the two cake mixes together and mix well. For each individual cake serving, take out 3 Tablespoons of the cake mix combination and mix it with 2 Tablespoons of water in a small microwave-safe container. Microwave on high for 1 minute, and you have
your own instant individual little cake!
KEEP remaining cake mixture stored in the ziploc bag and use whenever you feel like a treat! You can top each cake with a dollop of fat free whipped topping and/or some fresh fruit.
Helpful Tips:
This recipe is called 3, 2, 1 Cake because all you need to remember is
"3 tablespoons mix, 2 tablespoons water, 1 minute in the microwave!"
TRY various flavors of cake mix like carrot, red velvet, pineapple, lemon, orange, etc. Just remember that one of the mixes has to be the angel food mix; the other is your choice.
The flavor possibilities are endless!
The best thing is, you open both cake mixes into a gallon storage bag, one that 'zip locks' or 'self-seals', or a container that seals tightly, shake the two cake mixes to blend and then make the recipe. Storage of mix is simple, put it on a shelf. No need to refrigerate, since the mix is dry. Always remember, that one of the cake mixes MUST be Angel Food. The other can be any flavor. The Angel Food is the cake mix that has the egg whites in it. So, if, anyone is allergic to egg whites, DO NOT serve this recipe.
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Snowing and Blowing
Looks like winter might just be sneaking up on us. It has been a great year up till now. I don't remember a winter like this without snow. But the weatherman says we can look for a bunch maybe on Friday. They are also watching what could be a real big snowstorm on Monday and Tuesday. I hope not, or there goes Taco Tuesday again. It was snowing and blowing so hard all morning my sister decided she better stay home. First time in months that she has had to stay home due to weather. I wish it could stay nice till Spring and as they say, then warm up.
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
One More Time
The local Taco Johns has taco Tuesday every Tuesday. The weather has been so great for January that my sister and I have tacos and churros every Tuesday. She has to drive 12 miles to where I live so if the roads are bad it means no tacos that day. Thursday we're going to drive down to Iowa Falls for lunch and a visit with one of our younger sisters. The last sister lives 300 miles from here so having lunch with her is out. Who knows maybe next summer it will come together and we'll all four get together for a good long visit. Right now we'll see what next Tuesday looks like.
Thursday, January 5, 2012
Christmas Pictures

Here is a picture of my sister and some of her family. Her family has really grown in the last few years. She has 14 grandchildren and 12 great grandchildren. But not only that but No. 13 is on the way for February and she just found out No. 14 is due close to her birthday in August. It would be neat if the baby was born on her birthday. It is possible.
Christmas pictures,
great grandchildren
Monday, January 2, 2012
Making Plans for Wedding

Pictured here is my sister and her grandson talking over his plans for his wedding next summer. It will be a neat wedding out in Colorado so will make a great trip for her to go to the wedding. She hasn't been out in the mountains for years and loves them. We have some friends and relatives living in Colorado but we never get out there. It is just too far to drive and I don't want to fly either so it is nice to for her to have her kids take her along with them. That way she doesn't have to either drive or fly.
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