Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Busy, busy, busy

I was sitting here trying to blog and phone rings. My friend needs a ride ti the next town. I get back an hour later and begin again when phone rings. Another of my friends needs ne to check her supm pump. After going to her house and finding out the float on the pump was just stuck I worked it around so it moved freely. I then came home to face the challenge of daily email. I got a good 15 minutes before the next taxi call came in ( by the way I'm not a taxi but friends think I am ). One more trip around town and then back home. The phone rang again but this time it was welcomed. My Bud wanted to know if I had time for a cold one. I said yes and he pulled into the driveway and got out with 2 beers in his hand. After the beers and supper, a few more calls from people who just wanted to talk, I finally got back to the computer. Email done and a couple blogs finished I'm ready for bed. See ya tomorrow.

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