This day and age everybody has a cell phone. What are your plans for when your contract expires? Your going to need a new deal on a phone. Like me, your probably already are checking around for a great deal. I'll tell you what ,while I was looking around i found this site
Wirefly and checked out their deals. When I saw Verizon i said hey they have some really good plans but they don't have the coolest phones. I kept on reading and found out they have some real trendy cell phones.Like my girls fave. The LG chocolate Mint. When I called it to her attention she said her contract was just about up with another company and she was ready to switch. I want a little more so I was looking at the Razr phone they were offering. I know you're saying what makes that such a good deal? Let me tell you, when you open a new account they will give you the Mint Chocolate LG or Razr phone for Free. When I say free I mean Free that' without rebates or coupons or whatever. You check out their website and find the deal you want. Then sign up for a new account with them and the phone is yours.No strings, no rebates , just open a new account. It just doesn't get any better than that or simpler. So check out the plans soon because they change the deals everyday. Who knows tomorrow they may have a better deal yet, but then again maybe not, so why wait. Check it out.

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